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Thursday 6 April 2006


It was a mad mad rush.. only managed to grab approximately 1.5 hrs of sleep. Simply because I'd spent the whole night.. or rather morning.. in the studiO of hermione's creations.. ( otherwise known as my rOOm) cuz it was a rather last minute churning out of 3 products by dawn. Wonder if the recipients (past, present, future) would keep them or these one-of-its-kind creation would soon find themselves in the chute? Nevertheless still make them with pride.. (cuz that's the expression of my love for them.. )Ha.. this time round.. the presents come with matching cards... maybe i should seriously considered to do this for a living.. hmmm... but i guessed not.. cuz it's just by inspiration... hence.. never pre-made them..

the other side.. thinking.. praying.. seeking.. time and seasons.. don't want to miss the season!

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