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Sunday, 30 March 2008


I learnt that someone had attempted to smear princess' reputation that :
(1) she is one that goes back on her word; and
(2) she never replies to sms.

My first reaction.. oh well.. What RIGHT do you have to say and pass that judgment... Also, he was not party to the incident... he just mutated the truth and told another 3rd party.. Harlow.. when did i ever say that it's a FREE thingy?Anyway, I'm not the person who did the calculations and she who did the computation is the treasurer... so unless you question her integrity. WHAT right do you have to tell another that princess had went back on her word (she did not remember telling tHAT person that hey it's free and nope, he was not invited..) and made those who came pay... Hello... princess don't possess the quantum of material possessions like the accuser does... and she always reply to sms that require an answer except that he sent on tues and she did apologize for the late and delayed reply.. WHAT RIGHT does he have to comment that and yes tarnish her reputation... Man, what's his intention? and to think he is supposed to be かそく. Totally bewildered..

And I don't know what else he attempt to confuse behind my back.. why are you playing these political games here...

Then I realized.. his words and actions resembled the Pharisees .. Oh well..
let him be judged by God..

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