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Monday 26 February 2007


A question posed to princess yesterday....
Q: Are you ready to come back on board again?
A (actual): ???? [silence]
A (voice from somewhere): Yup, BUT....

the "but" that makes us think and rethink a decision... Yet, where did the "but" came from? The limiting voice doesn't come from our Creator..

Knowledge puffs up... how true... Sometimes I wonder why the "technically-speaking" more knowledgeable around simply don't get it? Too much knowledge? Or heart is hard of hearing? Why do some simply set up so many layers of filering mechanism?

For the princess... the prick of historical events/memories had resulted her retreat back to her comfortable palace... doing things that she like... yet without the same level of passion... Passion... Needs to rekindle the passion once again for the things that her Father has intended for her to do.. passion in general.. Not to mention that the 9-6 ultisation of her current time is simply degenerating the cells within her system @ a rapid speed cuz simply it's not the area of expertise... Wake UP... It's time to go thrU instead of roundabout and going back to square ONE.

seems like a parable....

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