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Wednesday, 28 May 2008

i was surprised...

Elieen sent me an sms while i was in the midst of the India Tax talk... (nah, not going India, just for knowledge and ya, networking with fellow tax pple in the tlc (not tender loving care but temasek-linked-companies).. didn't check my phone after the talk was over.. (haha dun think anyone would sms me la.. and phone low bat, so perhaps, it's just the phone reminding me that it's low bat..)

Wooo.. I was surprised lo by the content of the msg.. i answered.. OK! (smiley face).. I should be ok with this ba... *when confirmed, then inform long ba* (likely answer, would be - ok? Actually, i don't know also... but i don't wanna be spiritually unemployed....) is this the something new?

And yes, May is ending and June is supposedly the final month... so what's next??

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