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Saturday, 31 May 2008
serve.. not to be served...
During one of the QT this week, Gen 24 came to mind.. Read.. and at that point in make no sense out of it.. (It was about Rebekah, how she voluntarily serve Eliezer and his herd of donkeys with water and how she qualified herself to become Isaac's wife (and hence qualify herself to be in the lineage that bring to Jesus to this world.. )
During the 2nd worship song today... Was brought to mind a part of the sermon (think was Pst Phil on servanthood) I was listening to in shuffle mode... the servant's ear being nailed to the doorpost (Deut 15:12-17)
wept.. :)
And oh yes, all things fall nicely into place when i realised that the msg for this week was on servanthood.. heart leap. same flow!! :)
led me to a whole chunk of other stuff.. but shall not post at this moment.. in short.. "serve and not to be served.. "
yeah, am a bondservant of God!
Thursday, 29 May 2008
So anyway.. after went out to lunch with my colleague at vivo.. Guess the energy from the fats injected some positive jibe.. lunch @ the Central cha can teng was unhealthy (cuz of the piggy intestine, but just 4 moderate-size pieces)- didn't snap the stuff (not in the mood then) but yummy nevertheless - ate the ru zhu da chang, and a stick of fu zhu pi & cai zao.. After the oily meal.. was tempted by the whiff of caramelising sugar and popcorn.. outside Giant.. Guess it's the school holidays and ya, a good time to paddle sweet junkie food.. to tempt the kids.. Couldn't resist the temptation (or rather to make myself :) after the "ome" conversation.. (what ome? read it backwards...) anyway, see my littlebuggie staring at the popcorn!
Rather cheap compared to the popcorn at cinema (actually, it's cheaper to pop it yourself.. but a hassle to clean up...)
Junk food always cheer one up rite? *buttercup should know what i mean.. LJS? hehehe*
Speaking of popcorn.. reminds me of the analogy that Pst Tan used with regards to our prayers..
hmmm.. feel that the kernels in the popping pan are almost ready to pop le.. waiting.. waiting...
before drifting into lala land...
"you already know what's required.. you don't need more information.. you know that if you move, I will... "
The stubborn vase which cracked in the kiln during firing went back to the Potter's room for repairs.. the Potter glazed the vase and placed it back onto the shelf... what the vase could do was wait patiently for the fire process to begin again...
ya, back to parables..
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Despite writing in tongues for both papers (yes, i voluntarily took up the course with exams and not just one, but two written papers.. and yes.. I wrote in tongues cuz i was clueless what I was writting!) and not finishing the tax law paper - i passed.. by studying only less than one day for 3-inch thick of case laws & tax principles.. okie, it's not a glorious grade.. just a "donkey".. (at least it ain't a 'fish') but the very fact that I didn't really study and pass.. haha.. it's good enuff - afterall, i did not sign up for the whole programme (it costs a whopping $6-7K) and this is company-sponsered.. so PTL that i pass despite writting in tongues..
Thank God for tongues. I believed that's the extra factor that land me in my current job.. Seriously don't know what I'd babbled during the interview.. and was extremely surprised to be offered at the 2nd meeting lo..
i was surprised...
Wooo.. I was surprised lo by the content of the msg.. i answered.. OK! (smiley face).. I should be ok with this ba... *when confirmed, then inform long ba* (likely answer, would be - ok? Actually, i don't know also... but i don't wanna be spiritually unemployed....) is this the something new?
And yes, May is ending and June is supposedly the final month... so what's next??
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
one of those days that I envy those with XY chromosomes..
urgh.. hate this feeling... and the inability to things that I want... :( gotta skip the feeble attempt to get to the gym this evening... :(
the reason for the nil response cuz this the most appropriate arrangement.. at least for me. (in the higher authority's opinion - God and His anointed & appointed over me... )
I guess this the least I could do here.. is to say.. thanks.. but let's move on...
Sunday, 25 May 2008
my response to...

And I guess there is a reason why i got the seat "upgrade" (haha.. think I felt like those happy customers whose economy tix was upgraded to first class!!) And yes.. sermon today was WOW.. Like Pastor Tan's msg.. Like the way how he uses simple word to form an acronym for us to remember the points and link them smoothly together.. and yes, what shall i say.. Think I should be at the last stage now and was so tempted to take a 180 degree turn and.. yesh.. the armour is unfortunately "halter-neck"-style.. i.e. bareback.. so silly idea to contemplate to U-turn..
Was deliberating for a few seconds whether to respond or not when pastor tan gave the altar call.. I knew I couldn't deny the fact that this was on repeat mode in me since.. a very long time ago... a few seconds later.. i left my seat.. (yup, i happen to be in the category that was mentioned.. since being in the hibernate mode for long) (perhaps if this was my actual service i might hesitate longer cuz ya.. smaller hall.. and all can see and yup ... )
think and hoped I'd fell gracefully on the side -cuz was wearing my short skirt.. The " 300 by 2009" (that came like in early 07?) came back as a reminder.. (if not for the detour... maybe it would be attainable... ) oh well... just flow ba.. (and i wasted a lot of time already.. at least 1 year..) T_T" [digress:: speaking of which this T_T" sign was my msn nickname.. think james was so sweet.. he saw this being used as my nick and msg me via msn whether i was ok.. haha.. but really that doesn't mean anything.. just that i feel rather T_T" aka diao (to be spoken in Low "E" - yes, the sound in which the low E guitar string would resonate to...) Oh yeah.. speaking of sweet:: nearly lost balance when the mrt jerked and this chap sitting down tried to help me by sticking out his arm (2 seconds late though) after i had sort slided back a few cm.. hmm wa.. sweet gesture lo.. but haha not much of a help though.. (actually i was kinda pai se lo.. so just returned an akward smile/thanks to him..) ]
Presence of God was so strong.. ya was still shaking bitsy by the end of it all .. but i got pillar of support - xl with me.. haha.. so keke could lean on her.. :)
contemplated not to tell long abt the altar call thing .. but ya.. told him nevertheless.. but never told him what was the altar call abt.. haha.. he should know by tmw (think the altar call would be the same rite?)
anyway.. it's not like going to happen the next day.. soon ba... oooh perhaps what xl prayed/prophesied over me two sats ago is in line ..?? shall see shall see...

Gotta sleep soon..
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Sweet Rain
Wooo.. I like this movie.. Didn't expect it to be that entertaining & hilarious.. swooning over the initial appearance which was rather cmi to a ooo-boyish-charm-oozing grim reaper, i.e takeshi kaneshio (the main reason why i caught this show actually...) despite being comprised of three stories (sort of), there is still a smooth flow of the storyline... and i love the song
sunny day :) perhaps would get the soundtrack...
it was a great nite out with xl lo.. haha.. just pure r&r ... good.. :)
Friday, 23 May 2008
the past few days...
Haven’t been updating for a while. Nope, I have yet vanished and dissipated into thin air. It has been rather interesting week so far (at least trying to look at the brighter less emo side)…
Weekend was alright. Nothing out of the norm occurred. Oooh, except I learnt for stelle that some sicko in our neighbourhood had replicated the disgusting and inhumane act of torturing/ murdering the kittens/cats per what the bedok sicko has done. Saw the $1000 reward poster at my lift lobby.. Pray that the sicko be nailed down.
Public holiday.. met with some of the choir peeps with the original intention to kayak BUT original plan was aborted as the rental places were all closed.. L so, ended up cycling.. Regretfully, ordered a full meal at Carl’s Jr instead of sharing cuz felt hungry. Yet, ended up discarding portions of the bun and my lovely fries.. Thought I’d slapped on quite a generous portion of sunblock.. yet I still turned a shade darker and yes.. cheeks were sun-kissed! (Thank goodness it only lasted for a day or so..)
It was rather fun, got to know some of the lovely choir peeps a bit better.. J
Original plan was to spend the evening at the salon to fix the mop up north.. (Alright, it’s not that bad, but I prefer straight to waves/curls) Received an sms that having an appointment with the hairdresser would be a feeble excuse not to turn up at riverwalk that night. Despite the flesh preferring the former plan, the spirit prevailed. So ended up meeting ivory at her workplace to walkover despite the fact that I could reach Clarke Quay directly from the nel line.. cuz ..yah..
Enjoyed the bs… this week was taught by bro jimmy instead and I truly enjoyed his style of teaching .. and his sharing…
Due to the change in cg timing, took pm leave to pamper the mop.. to restore the lusture and shine and enhancement in its appearance.. the 4.5 hours was worth the wait.. J janet was so cute.. she said now I looked more “chio”.. As expected, we were told to exercise the gift of discernment during cg. Frankly, I don’t really feel that what was said to me was accurate…(seriously no) but I did not tell her who said that… oh well…
Am still bewildered. When there are opportunities for you to return what belonged to others and due to another person, you didn’t. Either that task slips your mind everytime or you can’t bear to part with it? But it was not yours to begin with! Shall I impose a rate of interest? There is opportunity cost involved and it’s over-due.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
another random thought
It has been quite a while since I last talked to my bro Eugene... and lamely, i was half hoping that he would not call me to do solo prayer loh (since the cgl would never delegate this to me.. cuz...) but i had an inkling that he would.. ya, he did. Told him perhaps i should consider going over to his side.. haha but nah, i'll be too old there.. all cch(m) students lo.. T_T"
k.o. was bewildered why i called eugene "kor kor".. sigh sigh.. dun think i need to explain the long standing friendship with eugene to him la.. T_T"
May is half-way gone.. how?
yay... finally can meet up with cuiqi this evening... :)
Well, if it's me, there won't be such scenario. Afterall, it's not my money to begin with. So the collection and reimbursement will be settled asap.. afterall, value of money depreciates with time. All right, perhaps it's occupational hazzard - afterall, am accountant by training (no CPA yet cuz i still contemplating in paying the yearly dues to icpas not knowing if i would continue in this line in near future... ) Sigh, resigned to fact that if the payment ever comes in, it'll be an additional blessing.. if not, the collector can just keep the collection. I don't like to chase payment. (hence, don't expect me to do AR.. haha.. nor AP i suppose.. or anything to do with accounting..).
Friday, 16 May 2008
it's an extremely peaceful day at work.. I'm the only one ard in the department, except for the secretary sitting far away... Productive still.. :) taking a small breather now.. cuz feeling sleepy...
And that aside.. looking forward to the public hols next week.. though i don't think i want to get into water lo... haha so val, i won't be capsizing though i was taught and learnt how to capsize and to get out.. haha
Saturday, 10 May 2008
black & white
until i spoke to stelle earlier.. cuz I was bewildered at the reaction of one gal.. *she actually said that cuz stelle is having exams rite now, can wait till she's back from exam than follow-up with the irregulars * FAINT* * heart pain* T_T" so tried to "educate" her patiently... hmmm spirit of nua-ness be cast out in Jesus' name... Sigh.. frustration rite?
Frankly... I don't understand why some has the concept that cuz you belong to team A, you are SOLELY responsible for team A responsibilities .. and team B will take care of their own tasks as well.. then team C and team D will do their own fair share.. Shouldn't teams A, B, C& D work together and help one another out to harness greater synergy? Yet some of the members adopt the attitude of this chinese saying "自扫门前雪" - which is totally out of point. . don't tell me mt28:18-20 applies only to A and not members in B-D? T_T" *Faint..*
Felt led to accompany stelle home from the station.. and yakked more .. not fair weather-talk.. but guess cuz same flow and same sentiments.. and we can really yak on and on... I guessed she's the only one in the cg that could really understand how i'm feeling in this period..
and both of us (okie, at least me) have this holy anger/ dissatisfaction within... YET not being met.. REally can't stand this anymore.. i can't stand the laidbackness anymore.. (the teams and oso me.. ) that ya.. shall do something..
if status quo by june.. seriously considering steering another direction... where's the support? the supposed*support* doesn't seem to have TIME ... or perhaps put too much faith that princess can go on autopilot mode?
to lighten the emo emo mood.. skimmed thru' imeem for the r&r songs.. picked a couple as the current backgrd music... Like the cannon in D (nope, not wedding..) and found a jazz version of Wonderwall.. :)
need to work later... so ya.. c'est tout!
Friday, 9 May 2008
Frustration - Part 2
Anyway.. parables are meant to be parables.. so ya.. good if interpretation & understanding comes with solely reading, else.. just take whatever mentioned here as mere information.. or story.. or a typical singaporean's complaint....
*think that this blog not that *private* anymore.. oh well.. doesn't matter.. if it's meant to be, shall not even put it up on the www in the 1st place... T_T"
can the body/mind/soul stop the internal dispute once and for all....
Regretted not taking that word seriously months back.... it feels like mounting the everest without sufficient oxygen and carrying a heavy load on the back.... 単独で now i truly comprehend what he meant.... (certainly hope i won't be like Jacob...)
And i don't want to return to Egypt...
Thursday, 8 May 2008
i wonder...
And this afternoon, saw another two such emails.. deleted & ignored one.. almost wanted to reject the other request but a familiar name popped out.. yup.. it was what I thought.. . it's from one of the managers under ngo.. (nah, not sis eve nor my ex-manager for a's one of male managers.. whom i don't really know..) .. Interesting! Though wonder what prompted them to be interested in my resume lo.. (cuz never did i mentioned i've taken m5/m9/hi) puzzled.. anyway.. won't be interested la.. would be rather awkward (if in the event I'm interested and ya, go for it) .. T_T" haha.. this won't happen...
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
flipflop.. flip.. Flop
flip ... & flop.. ya.. flopped the bwee.. cuz the fear factor striked.. the two lovely ladies who yes, were friendly.. but i just froze.. BAD.. .. and my audience seemed to be the wall and the floor.. oh well.. so pai se.. but nope.. i got a "no-comment" too.. just how to pronouce my name.. Think they know that I know where went wrong.. enuff said.. At least.. this sealed off the other option... so am no longer at the fork of the pathway to choose which path to take...
Seriously.. I don't really want it that much (as compared to many of those who went for the bwee audi..) Most were real excited about the comments from the judges - be it positive review or constructive feedback. I tried to rouse the interest from within.. nah, couldn't do it... Perhaps this season is edging toward winter...
Still pondering what's the NEW that He's promised...
And yesh, we realised the world is indeed small.. haha.. And I related that wednesday incident sans details (cuz it's boring and boring and my observation of him is... cmi), hope his cgl and his helper (aka carcar) can assist him.. Anyway.. happy to see car.. and haha.. yay shopping spree ya.. soon i hope..
The Five Love Languages
My primary love languages are probably
Physical Touch and Quality Time. ( but I welcome gifts & words of affirmation anytime... )
Complete set of results
Physical Touch: | 9 | |
Quality Time: | 9 | |
Words of Affirmation: | 6 | |
Receiving Gifts: | 5 | |
Acts of Service: | 1 |
Take the quiz
Sunday, 4 May 2008
crab fest...and etc
Didn't take any pix though... it was a lovely dinner with crab buddy mr & mrs buttercup (aka ziv and jac) and amelia.. :) - cabbed back after dinner cuz it was time for princess' system to disposed off its metabolic waste and yet princess was rather particular on the wc.. so.. no choice.. cabbed back and thank God made it home in time... T_T"
humph.. thought that standing at the extreme alto side during svc won't be caught on the big big screen today.. kinda weird why i ended up @ the alto end but haha.. i enjoyed singing alto.. (easier for me though..) Surprised surprised.. buttercup said that he couldn't spot me on choir stand today cuz i was not in my usual position (the sop area) haha and thought that the crab fest was off.. he was overjoyed to see my big face plastered on the screen (during the worship song b4 the word) and teased me that the camera guy perhaps interested in me cuz he seemed to be always zooming into me weekly.. (at least for past two weeks) T_T" sigh.. cuz prolly due to where i was seating and haha.. i got good countenance ma..
"b-wee" audition is nearing.. just told long that i'll be going.. HAHA.. he said.. go for it.. T_T". Should tell him me nervous and please pray for me.. tsk tsk... Sigh... Gotta protect my voice.. honey honey.. my drink for next two days... Received the sms regarding the audition.. one p and one W.. sigh sigh.. think it'll be that two not so new but meant a lot to me one lo..
yay.. tmw finally meeting carmen.. haha.. after many months.. haha.. :) cozy nite out at T2.. hehe..
yay.. mom going mother's day svc next sun... hope she'll respond this time.. gotta P.U.S.H. (pray until something happen..) but this meant.. i can't serve sun.. gotta serve jw and expo on sat then.. oh well.. yay.. going expo.. can meet cuiqi to get her wedding invite.. :)
wedding.. haha.. yay. . gotta be the "creative director" (i.e. deco) for joyce's matrimony @ TCC in August.. hehe... saw something lovely that will be great for the guest book @ prints.. and yay.. making some lovely princessy stuff for her flower gals.. :)
message today was... wow.. already had the preview of this during the s1 pm last week.. :)
popcorn effect.. it's going to happen... :)
Friday, 2 May 2008
... ... ... ...
This is a short work week.. Cuz took leave on Wednesday.. think I pulled my right calf muscle - i can't think of anything strenuous done during the weekend except pnw? ( but i was wearing flats.. so T_T" how could i strained the calf?? ) Anyway, it was a good rest for moi.. Though didn't really get much rest... decided to hang up my laundered clothes.. And trying to pack them into the bursting wardrobe.. (which i'd attempted to discard some items that are (a) too big , (b) too old, (c) i-won't-be-caught-dead-in-them) not very successful to increase storage space... Cuz as old items get discarded.. fresh items are booking their lots in the wardrobe.. Ops. Tried to re-organized the furniture.. decided not to.. current arrangement maximized the free space most.. Did aunty-stuff like getting the necessities from the NTUC (so glad that e-hub is open and haha.. it's minutes to my block..) : anti-humidifier, moth-ball (as a safety pre-caution to any creepie-crawlies from breeding in moi room), grapes (my contribution to the cg picnic on May Day) and haha.. inspiration for my lunch.. Saw some lovely leanporkypigchops.. and asparagus.. yup.. that's my lunch.. (yep, princess can cook.. hehe)
spent the afternoon with God.. :) then.. left for bible study.. :) still on the topic of prophetic ministry - the dangers. Seriously bore resemblance to what i'm susceptible towards.. but don't felt called to this though.. (or maybe not now..)..
May 1st - the picnic
woke up with headache.. took an aspirin. trying to dissuade thoughts of not appearing.. Aspirin worked! slabbed on sunblock cuz the sun was glaring and yep, i don't want to be roasted.. ( it works!!) Waited for lian @ the interchange.. it was like eternity.. was entertaining myself with Poddie - which was playing the "why tongues?" sermon - old old cd.. which i realised last weekend sermon was similar to this.. :)
Turnout was not that huge.. but it was fun.. alright.. not too rara as i would like it though.. haha...
-- it has been a slow friday so far... And yep, added two articles to my bursting wardrobe (cuz TOpshop was having 20% storewide sale) .. The biggest temptation to be working near Vivocity... shOpping.. burst my shopping budget for the month already.. cuz.. ops..
the slow friday shall end soon.. cg's next.. then it's the weekend.. and ops.. bwee audition on tues.. think i cmi one but.. still go ba..