My reflection of me in the mrt..and yes, wearing the pink mr bump tee! :)
click me!!
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Crab Fest..
Not exactly a fest.. Just a term to denote the event.. cuz we love crabs.. Haha.. no unglam pix of me consuming the crustaceans - cuz they were taken by jac & ziv (and iPhone cannot blue-tooth pictures.. Apparently, the bluetooth function ONLY works for earpiece & iPhone .. T_T")
Here's a pictorial recollection of the 2nd crab fest..
Haha.. the sweet couple lamented that their names have been incorrectly spelt (by others.. not me..haha).. so.. mentioned their names a couple of times more.. >.<
Here's a pictorial recollection of the 2nd crab fest..
Ziv with his 1st claw of the day!
How the calcium-enriched-claw was finally subuded! Bro, the working-out on ur triceps/biceps is paying off...
Ah.. Finally, I got you out!
Afterwhich, we adjourned for Starbucks (cuz we were unsuccessful to get Jac to a pub instead.. haah.. ) but CoffeeClub appeared before Starbucks.. so.. spent the next couple of hours there.. Playing with their iPhones camera... And enjoying the yummy desserts & caffeine!!
The Irish coffee that I almost ordered, the mocha vanilla that Jac thought we conned her into ordering (cuz she ain't a coffee-freak.. the free hazelnut opera (yUmmy) and the butterscotch cheesecak
my Tiramisu latte (I heart caffeine with tinge of alcohol!)
hello hello.. the iPhone fanatics .. (he is more than she is.. she uses her iPhone as a normal phone.. He explores!)
the sweetie jacelyn with her iPhone
Haha.. the sweet couple lamented that their names have been incorrectly spelt (by others.. not me..haha).. so.. mentioned their names a couple of times more.. >.<
Create.. yes you can..
Falling in love with attending cell group meeting again... Alright, this statement made it seemed that I was/ had been backsliding. Alright, technically speaking, I was.. Physically present, other aspects nope ever since Jan till the switch in July...
And I loved having cellgrp meeting @ kei's. Distance aside (cuz it's just a few busstops away from home - yes.. BUSstops.. not no of mrt stations... ), always gOt presence of God one - Strong one lei... (Sounds so beng-ish). That aside.. Definitely it's not a one man effort.. Wa.. It was a great cg meeting and was charlene's 1st time doing everything from pnw to the word. :) And when steven took over after charlene's sharing, the meeting went up another level.. Presence of God was so great.. I must have shed buckets of tears.. (Fortunately NOt wearing mascara or eyeliner.. else... scary effect!) And was given a greater insight of the "mere" talents I thought I possessed.. and the challenge to materialise "Hermione's Creations" came to mind. For the uninitiated, that's the little logo, that is "embossed" with ink @ the back of the handmade card made/ created by yours truly, oh well.. to claim territory on that little artwork inspired by God, created by me). And ya.. by the looks of things - and my personal preference really... i think i wanna further my studies, in creative sca... woo... sot ah.. i oso want.. But... see how la.. MBA ah... not that inclined.. REally, I am NOT a biz-person *despite the current area of discipline I am trained in*
And I was genuinely surprised that the cg (and even yaoguang) was impressed with the cards I made for summer and elim... haha.. it was pure inspiration and really didn't take too long - cuz ya, inspiration woa.. Perhaps it's the material used . :) I realised paper used for scrapbook craft are GrEAt wo.. And ya, thinking of investing in those stuff for scrapbooking woa - after seeing how ming's had diligently did her photOs for sOphie... :) And ya, ego feels fed after the "words of affirmation" that seemed so void of in the past.. I guessed, sometimes, they don't look too good too.. (by my standard)... cuz ya, usually, must have "feel-ing", then the end result would be yet another masterpiece... Else... Eh, sorry la, i just deliver the product... SO really.. must have the most important element - "love", As backed by 1Cor 13:13
And haha.. kei was so sweet... she told me that kwang thot that i was sweet lo, and ya why i so sweet no bf.. *thanks wo* *blush* I also wonder why.. Not the right time maybe? Or GOd is preparing/ molding that someone while He is also molding me? *blush*. Recalls the conversation with estelle on Thurs.. Not that I don't want to settle down.. but seriously, I would rather remain single than settle for something lesser than what I can endure.. And ya, even my hairstylist was suggesting me to go speed-dating. when I went to pamper my hair on Friday... T_T"
Served expo today. sang a-not-too-recent hillsong song that really touches my heart - when i first heard it .. And ya, wait lo.. For everything, there is a season... (applicable to all points listed above..) And ya... really God sees EVERYTHING.. right from the start, even before you return "officially" to Him here on earth... *loved* And ya, all things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
And l enjoyed the mrt ride with nicole, jasmine & james while on my way to the crab fest! Jasmine was having fun with her new phone and we even created an image of someone from one of the morphed pix.. wonder if she'll facebooked it. :)
And I loved having cellgrp meeting @ kei's. Distance aside (cuz it's just a few busstops away from home - yes.. BUSstops.. not no of mrt stations... ), always gOt presence of God one - Strong one lei... (Sounds so beng-ish). That aside.. Definitely it's not a one man effort.. Wa.. It was a great cg meeting and was charlene's 1st time doing everything from pnw to the word. :) And when steven took over after charlene's sharing, the meeting went up another level.. Presence of God was so great.. I must have shed buckets of tears.. (Fortunately NOt wearing mascara or eyeliner.. else... scary effect!) And was given a greater insight of the "mere" talents I thought I possessed.. and the challenge to materialise "Hermione's Creations" came to mind. For the uninitiated, that's the little logo, that is "embossed" with ink @ the back of the handmade card made/ created by yours truly, oh well.. to claim territory on that little artwork inspired by God, created by me). And ya.. by the looks of things - and my personal preference really... i think i wanna further my studies, in creative sca... woo... sot ah.. i oso want.. But... see how la.. MBA ah... not that inclined.. REally, I am NOT a biz-person *despite the current area of discipline I am trained in*
And I was genuinely surprised that the cg (and even yaoguang) was impressed with the cards I made for summer and elim... haha.. it was pure inspiration and really didn't take too long - cuz ya, inspiration woa.. Perhaps it's the material used . :) I realised paper used for scrapbook craft are GrEAt wo.. And ya, thinking of investing in those stuff for scrapbooking woa - after seeing how ming's had diligently did her photOs for sOphie... :) And ya, ego feels fed after the "words of affirmation" that seemed so void of in the past.. I guessed, sometimes, they don't look too good too.. (by my standard)... cuz ya, usually, must have "feel-ing", then the end result would be yet another masterpiece... Else... Eh, sorry la, i just deliver the product... SO really.. must have the most important element - "love", As backed by 1Cor 13:13
And haha.. kei was so sweet... she told me that kwang thot that i was sweet lo, and ya why i so sweet no bf.. *thanks wo* *blush* I also wonder why.. Not the right time maybe? Or GOd is preparing/ molding that someone while He is also molding me? *blush*. Recalls the conversation with estelle on Thurs.. Not that I don't want to settle down.. but seriously, I would rather remain single than settle for something lesser than what I can endure.. And ya, even my hairstylist was suggesting me to go speed-dating. when I went to pamper my hair on Friday... T_T"
Served expo today. sang a-not-too-recent hillsong song that really touches my heart - when i first heard it .. And ya, wait lo.. For everything, there is a season... (applicable to all points listed above..) And ya... really God sees EVERYTHING.. right from the start, even before you return "officially" to Him here on earth... *loved* And ya, all things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.
And l enjoyed the mrt ride with nicole, jasmine & james while on my way to the crab fest! Jasmine was having fun with her new phone and we even created an image of someone from one of the morphed pix.. wonder if she'll facebooked it. :)
Finally, I managed to log into the website and I got myself registered. After many tries this week.. perhaps it was the network problem? Hmmm I should be the 40,548 that had registered for this event. (there are 48K slots according to the website..) Woo.. haha.. my 1st 10km race wo (not in time to join the nike+ run happening hours later today.. ) Here's a screenshot of the confirmation email!
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Finally penned out the advisory email that the business unit has requested.. Seriously writting under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - Had spent the last two days trying to "smoke" something out of it.. cuz really don't have a cue what was the potential GST issue that BU is concerned about.. until this morning.. then it make sense... Hmmm technically speaking, i ought not to be doing the technical advisory role - that's job of manager lo.. but since none here are GST trained.. so, it's my baby.. Hmm actually thank God for the rare opportunity lor.. to make up for the inexperience in corp tax...
oh, the silly bank transaction went thru', but still pissed with the local bank... tsk tsk...
Oh well.. hmmm catch up with stelle over msn.. haha.. happy cloud.. didn't know i'd inspired that name..but i think my days are happier without happy clouds over my head. Stelle gal.. can't wait to catch up with U!! *hugs*
And yeah to crab fest on Sat!! :) Thanks buttercup for booking.. Enjoy ur iPhone
oh, the silly bank transaction went thru', but still pissed with the local bank... tsk tsk...
Oh well.. hmmm catch up with stelle over msn.. haha.. happy cloud.. didn't know i'd inspired that name..but i think my days are happier without happy clouds over my head. Stelle gal.. can't wait to catch up with U!! *hugs*
And yeah to crab fest on Sat!! :) Thanks buttercup for booking.. Enjoy ur iPhone
Time wasted...
Yup.. Wasted close to 2 hours in front of the screen.. playing the silly mousehunt game/parking and unparking my cars/ browsing thru' comments left by others on pictures of friends on facebook.. Yea.. facebook is a time waster.. (is there such a word?) And I realised that some peeps really waste their time away... ~ for example.. a chain of "xian" pictures... Hmmm time = your life.. hence be constructive..And reading entries on others' blog brought me a revelation and heart-felt thanks that I'm not that "shallow" afterall... And truly, one can't help but form an opinion of the writer when one read what he/she writes... Oh well.. I guess the mentality of reading others' life/ thought/views on blogs is smiliar to that who loves the 八卦报 like Shin Ming Daily, the Newpaper..(or the trashy tabloids ... esp the UKs ones..).. the curosity nature in mankind..
And... I cringed at how juvenile and prima donna I used to sound like.. Oh well.. people grow up.. Oh well.. At least people still think that I could not be older than 25. haha (like the never aging alan tham... ).. Anyway, was entertaining myself with flaky posts from someone whom I don't really know that well.. and certainly appearance/behavior of that person matches with the way the thoughts were framed and blogged..
A little boring aspect of my life spent today... went for my dental checkup and was :) that my dentist praised me for good oral hygiene.. BUT the dark mecury filling at my lower left molar was LEAKING.. Oh my gosh.. (oh well.. that was done yons ago.. in the school dentist lo.. which was haha.. my TNS days.. close to more than a decade + ago??) and yup.. was praying for quick & swift drilling away of the old filling.. cuz the cavity was rather deep.. hence very sensitive.. and was clenching my fists wo.. Thank God that DR Chua (my dentist) was rather gentle and swift.. and was done in a jifty.. but he recommended whitening for my discolor-ing front teeth.. ya.. I know.. prolly cuz of my caffeine addiction?? Considering between the quick and swift but close to 1K or the cheaper but DIY at cost of a 16G iPhone (with plan).. ahha... that's good to have..
CUz no prac tonite (still undecided to join the adult choir yet.. no news = no prac.. I presume now.. cuz I really need REST!) and did my usual run.. sigh.. no chance to do resistance training cuz it was around 6pm when i reached the gym.. and eeeeks.. i saw that club manager at the reception (the married guy who tried to hit on me.. a couple of times.. and learnt from e that a few of his female clients were "targeted" too...*faint*), managed to dodge him while swiping my card.. sigh.. still caught by his roving eye as i was making my way down to the showers.. Oh yes.. break the 6km barrier.. moving on to 7km.. And i realised I ran faster on the road than on the treadmill.. (ya, with the walking wo.. ) at least that's what my nike+ analysed.. Hmmm buttercup and i decided to sign up the 10km stand chart run (cuz the half marathon is a bit overstretching for us now.. and mrs buttercup will unlikely join us though... ) hmmm shall sign up soon ba..
And i hope i need not contact the s'pore largest local bank again regarding the bank transfer that should have happened but didn't.. Praying that it's really in the process.. and i need not call the bank again.. CUZ the service was... far from satisfactory... (translate:: BAD!) Alright, i admit I was not the nicest customer one wish for while manning the hotline.. but hey.. if you can't help me and give me solutions... and sounded pissed over the phone.. hmmm.. service excellence?? I've half the intention to switch banks once the MOE is done deducting my uni sch fees.. (p.s the interest rate can't even match the rate of inflation...alright, none of the banks' interest rate can matches up now.. but this bank is abt the lowest.. oh yes.. not the neighbourhood bank.. the one that bought over the neighbourhood bank...oh
Alrite.. enuff of rambling...
Stelle and Maybelline.. I miss ya gals...... catch up when u gals not on the go???
And... I cringed at how juvenile and prima donna I used to sound like.. Oh well.. people grow up.. Oh well.. At least people still think that I could not be older than 25. haha (like the never aging alan tham... ).. Anyway, was entertaining myself with flaky posts from someone whom I don't really know that well.. and certainly appearance/behavior of that person matches with the way the thoughts were framed and blogged..
A little boring aspect of my life spent today... went for my dental checkup and was :) that my dentist praised me for good oral hygiene.. BUT the dark mecury filling at my lower left molar was LEAKING.. Oh my gosh.. (oh well.. that was done yons ago.. in the school dentist lo.. which was haha.. my TNS days.. close to more than a decade + ago??) and yup.. was praying for quick & swift drilling away of the old filling.. cuz the cavity was rather deep.. hence very sensitive.. and was clenching my fists wo.. Thank God that DR Chua (my dentist) was rather gentle and swift.. and was done in a jifty.. but he recommended whitening for my discolor-ing front teeth.. ya.. I know.. prolly cuz of my caffeine addiction?? Considering between the quick and swift but close to 1K or the cheaper but DIY at cost of a 16G iPhone (with plan).. ahha... that's good to have..
CUz no prac tonite (still undecided to join the adult choir yet.. no news = no prac.. I presume now.. cuz I really need REST!) and did my usual run.. sigh.. no chance to do resistance training cuz it was around 6pm when i reached the gym.. and eeeeks.. i saw that club manager at the reception (the married guy who tried to hit on me.. a couple of times.. and learnt from e that a few of his female clients were "targeted" too...*faint*), managed to dodge him while swiping my card.. sigh.. still caught by his roving eye as i was making my way down to the showers.. Oh yes.. break the 6km barrier.. moving on to 7km.. And i realised I ran faster on the road than on the treadmill.. (ya, with the walking wo.. ) at least that's what my nike+ analysed.. Hmmm buttercup and i decided to sign up the 10km stand chart run (cuz the half marathon is a bit overstretching for us now.. and mrs buttercup will unlikely join us though... ) hmmm shall sign up soon ba..
And i hope i need not contact the s'pore largest local bank again regarding the bank transfer that should have happened but didn't.. Praying that it's really in the process.. and i need not call the bank again.. CUZ the service was... far from satisfactory... (translate:: BAD!) Alright, i admit I was not the nicest customer one wish for while manning the hotline.. but hey.. if you can't help me and give me solutions... and sounded pissed over the phone.. hmmm.. service excellence?? I've half the intention to switch banks once the MOE is done deducting my uni sch fees.. (p.s the interest rate can't even match the rate of inflation...alright, none of the banks' interest rate can matches up now.. but this bank is abt the lowest.. oh yes.. not the neighbourhood bank.. the one that bought over the neighbourhood bank...oh
Alrite.. enuff of rambling...
Stelle and Maybelline.. I miss ya gals...... catch up when u gals not on the go???
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
the long updates..
Surprise item for Pastor's birthday
Wa.. after one week of suspense.. it finally happen and gone.. And it was a success!! And i must say the hours of wait (and missing of the whole of service except for Praise and Worship cuz we were on stage) was worth it.. for our hero!! (Though i did my silent yay and clapping for the miscellaneous few i saw on the screen backstage - like corinth.. and summer.. ) It was rather fun cramming behind the stage to spring the surprise, was with yvonne & amanda...

and the cake for pastor smells heavenly - learnt from Pauline later that it was a 10kg black forest cake!

me with xl! and i really love the new white skirt (as well as the lovely red top) that i'd bought from river island .. :) Another brand that I <3.
Hmmm happy for summer, elim and corinth who finally graduated.. And there was a moment of awkwardness when a corner of my eye saw the surprise look of one when one saw xl giving me a hug.. and what can i say.. i just pretend I never see it.. (I think I can win Star Awards for my great pretending role at times..)
Glad that summer loved her card.. (haha.. i heart her card too... hers is the red one with sweet flowers lace as trimmings )

The cards for the SOT grads in my cg...
the card that i heart [Paper is from the art supplies shop in Vivo]
so sweet rite.. i love the flowers trimmings (from Prints)
Fellowshipped with the cg at Popeye's @ T3 after service .. And yes, I did see my ex-cg from the corner of my eye but my natural reflex was to shed a blind over that.. and i did think that corinth and estelle did see me... but gals.. natural reflex la.. cuz you know why wo.. And Estelle.. if u are reading this.. when are you free? I miss U ..It's not easy to 'date' you wo..
Safra Bay Run
Silly me didn't realise that the gym opened at 8am on sunday.. so e was pretty surprised to see me at raffles place when i was supposed to be at the run.. Thought he was kidding me when he said that the gym only opened at 8.. (well.. sometimes.. he does that on me ma..) but yup.. it was.. so waited 5 min outside the door (though e tried to ask the receptionist to make an exception but.. haha.. can't though.. still thanks..) [side-track:: Oh yeah, really blessed too..just read his email on the 'arrangement'..of the "exception" arrangement that he'd made so that.. it's a win-win for him and i.. *hush-hush*]
Felt bad to abandon the buttercup tribe after starting point.. (ANd iPhone is cool!! but decided to postpone the adoption of one after e told me the 'little unfixes' and further confirmation by buttercup.. wa.. can't edit msgs? no mms? hmmmm I will wait till year end) Alright.. I didn't really run the whole 6 km (cuz of the whole throng of human beings in front of me..) I must have walked at least for a couple of minutes before I could finally find some space to break into a jog. And silly me gulped down the water too fast at the first water point which resulted in ya, stitches a few metres afterwhich.. And haha.. I walked approximately 1 to 1.5 km.. enjoying the view of the Singapore Flyer at the Sheares Bridge.. :)
Still happy to finish in about 40 min ( Left starting point 8:33, Reached the finishing line at 9:12) :) Haha.. and this is without much training, cuz of the morning pm, never did my runs for two weeks.. :) . It was mud-bath for our shoes & ankles at the Padang when we attempted to collect the goodie bag (which were just the cert, new water, ugly purple recycle bag and coupons..).. Walked back to cali from padang after the mudbath for my shoes (which i used the new water to wash off the mud from my shoes.) and shower.. me and my shoes.. (shh.. else, how can i dump it into my bag.. and the mud will stain my pristine white shoes..)
Arrived at hall 8 just when pastor was introducing pastor alex abraham.. It was a blown away service and wa..what a word of prohesy for Pastor & the church... personally, i also received certain confirmations whereby my obstinate flesh just can't comprehend how it will come to pass...
Fellowshiped @ the Macau cafe after service.. and happily dug into my pasta.. (figured out the run in the morning should offset the carbo...) And seriously.. I wonder if I'm born and bred here.. I didn't really understand the Hokkien used in the movie Money no enough 2. Alright, the storyline is touching.. (less the erp jokes.. which i don't really find it amusing, not that I don't mind the the ERP charges.. I guessed the few years working at the government agency that aids in the collection of tax does make me appreciate how revenue for the nation is collected... and the digs at the government policies - eh.. not funny... Alright, I'm definitely not working for the govt. (okie,, indirectly, the company is owned by the govt wo..) Alright, the katang me don't understand hokkien jokes.. and yes, maybe i've been incalcuated with the nation-building message in my five years @ iras.. *faint*
Felt bad to abandon the buttercup tribe after starting point.. (ANd iPhone is cool!! but decided to postpone the adoption of one after e told me the 'little unfixes' and further confirmation by buttercup.. wa.. can't edit msgs? no mms? hmmmm I will wait till year end) Alright.. I didn't really run the whole 6 km (cuz of the whole throng of human beings in front of me..) I must have walked at least for a couple of minutes before I could finally find some space to break into a jog. And silly me gulped down the water too fast at the first water point which resulted in ya, stitches a few metres afterwhich.. And haha.. I walked approximately 1 to 1.5 km.. enjoying the view of the Singapore Flyer at the Sheares Bridge.. :)
Still happy to finish in about 40 min ( Left starting point 8:33, Reached the finishing line at 9:12) :) Haha.. and this is without much training, cuz of the morning pm, never did my runs for two weeks.. :) . It was mud-bath for our shoes & ankles at the Padang when we attempted to collect the goodie bag (which were just the cert, new water, ugly purple recycle bag and coupons..).. Walked back to cali from padang after the mudbath for my shoes (which i used the new water to wash off the mud from my shoes.) and shower.. me and my shoes.. (shh.. else, how can i dump it into my bag.. and the mud will stain my pristine white shoes..)
Arrived at hall 8 just when pastor was introducing pastor alex abraham.. It was a blown away service and wa..what a word of prohesy for Pastor & the church... personally, i also received certain confirmations whereby my obstinate flesh just can't comprehend how it will come to pass...
Fellowshiped @ the Macau cafe after service.. and happily dug into my pasta.. (figured out the run in the morning should offset the carbo...) And seriously.. I wonder if I'm born and bred here.. I didn't really understand the Hokkien used in the movie Money no enough 2. Alright, the storyline is touching.. (less the erp jokes.. which i don't really find it amusing, not that I don't mind the the ERP charges.. I guessed the few years working at the government agency that aids in the collection of tax does make me appreciate how revenue for the nation is collected... and the digs at the government policies - eh.. not funny... Alright, I'm definitely not working for the govt. (okie,, indirectly, the company is owned by the govt wo..) Alright, the katang me don't understand hokkien jokes.. and yes, maybe i've been incalcuated with the nation-building message in my five years @ iras.. *faint*
I was supposed to spend $500+ on the iPhone [$348 for the phone + $180 (and recontract 30 months on my mio contract)] but I delayed the appointment to 7 Sept (to give myself more time to think abt it..) But.. while waiting for my mom to knock off.. I wandered into river island to utilise my $15 voucher which will expire on 9 Sep and bought this lovely sparkling sweater.. :) And.. wandered further down into Agnes b. and.. emerged with my 1st tote from the brand.. ( Hmm cheaper than Kate Spade next door wo.. And i heart my bag charm too.. so sweet.. ) Oh yeah, actually adding both purchases.. I could have add a bit more and buy the iPhone.. but haha.. too late le.. so verdict.. iPhone for my birthday maybe.. but yay.. I think I'd derived more satisfaction with the bag than iPhone.. lalala.. And I got the free limited edition tote too.. I heart the box that housed the tote!! :)

the box...

the front

the back..
my new bag in tissue
unwrapped!! loved it cuz it's roomy enough to put in a A4 size folder.. Looking forward to get the hot pink tote that's a wee bit smaller... *maybe next month*
Yay.. no choir practice tonight.. Finally can rest.. my department sec asked if I'd lost weight.. seriously No.. the weighing scale stubbornly point at the same pt.. but I think muscles weigh heavier than fat though.. cuz ya, I realised I could no longer wear my short skirts and jeans without belt.. cuz ya,, if will fall nicely to the ground if you tug a bit more... :) And I'd used $10 of the $20 Starbucks voucher redeemed from the morning pm to get this cutesy glow in the dark tumbler.. (too bad, they didn't have this design for grande drinks.. alright, at least limit my caffeine intake.. ) And haha to save the environment, will use this cutesy when i order my latte in future.. (that's when i decided to have a more costly caffeine fix...)

yup.. the stars do glow in the dark!!
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
long week...
It's midday wednesday... and for the past two nites, had been seeing choir peeps.. and yup.. tonite again.. and gotta create the two carddie for the graduating gals tonite after prac (thot after monday's performance, can take a break on wed.. but haha.. am involved in the item.. so.. yay!!)
hmmm haven't been running..(cuz was morning prayer meeting) haha think I'll walk and enjoy sight of marina bay with jac & ziv on sunday morning.. :)
more to be updated.. when I'm free.. haha.. :)
hmmm haven't been running..(cuz was morning prayer meeting) haha think I'll walk and enjoy sight of marina bay with jac & ziv on sunday morning.. :)
more to be updated.. when I'm free.. haha.. :)
Monday, 18 August 2008
Day 6 - Prayer Meeting
I actually dozed off a few seconds.. This is despite the 7 hours of sleep wo.. Felt bad... but was more alert after the few seconds of rest... Don't really like small .. yet felt that was what to be at the moment.. like m-o..
Movie Marathon Saturday
Alright, never expect to be catching two movies in one day.. (the second one was more of an impromptu decision).Wall-e was expectedly good.. Alright, not much of a dialogue but I like the simplicity of the characters and the storyline. And the perils of mankind if we automate everything - it will result in an obese nation! And yup, we might be over-reliance on the robotics! But yet, the human mind still prevails against the robots.. And also the power of love.. :) , love can drive us to endure all sufferings, just to save and protect those that we love.. All in all.. it's a great movie.. and i like the tiny robot named M-O.. :) (Pretty hilarious robot cuz its mission was to clean up anything and everything is deemed a "foreign contamination"). It is the ulimate hero of the day as it was one that saves! Cuz of it's mission... message :: don't despise the small tasks that were given to you!!
After dinner with aifeng, met up with weiling @ tampines for yet another movie. Poor lass was so stressed by her assignments that she had self-declared a break.. Was actually pretty tired but decided to accompany her still cuz felt led to. Found out that we were rather similiar in certain aspects while chatting/ walking in the two malls while waiting for the movie to start.. Journey to the center of the earth was actually quite a comedy.. (i thought it was more of an action movie..) Hmm but it was an enjoyable show.. :)
After dinner with aifeng, met up with weiling @ tampines for yet another movie. Poor lass was so stressed by her assignments that she had self-declared a break.. Was actually pretty tired but decided to accompany her still cuz felt led to. Found out that we were rather similiar in certain aspects while chatting/ walking in the two malls while waiting for the movie to start.. Journey to the center of the earth was actually quite a comedy.. (i thought it was more of an action movie..) Hmm but it was an enjoyable show.. :)
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Friday... the pm... & the rambles..

Was chatting with val on line via msn.. hmmm brought to mind how i was feeling (or the remnant feeling now...) for the whole of '08 till now.. forever means forever right? I wonder how juvenile is the term "best friend forever" that kids used to sign off their autograph books/ cards.. etc.. I guessed some friends are seasonal.. yet there are those whom you may not see every day, yet they leave a lasting impact in your life.. Amazingly, I still keep in touch with a few of my iras colleagues (only of them are saved, sorta - catholic).. i guessed it's the extent you have sowed into each other lives that really measured out the depth of the friendship.. And sometimes, non-believers make better friends than believers... But indeed blessed to re-established contact with my longlong primary school mate - Sandi and ya, though she's like miles away.. (literally in another continent) I know that she'll be one I can rely on.. Won't say that it was one without any disagreements (we ceased talking to one another during sec 3 i think... cuz of some silly classroom politics which till this date, i don't know why it happen..) and there but it was what that brought us closer together.. and brought me to Christ.. haha...
And dearie friends like ming, kei, kel, fish, vory, lian, .. *kisses & hugs*. not that i've opportunity to talk to them that much .. (maybe except for kei, since same cg le..) .. but I know they will be there one lo.. :: and max, eugene, the mr & mrs buttercup (the lovely buttercup couple..)..and some others... :) like estelle, val, jy.. :)
and the unpatched one.. see how lo..
okie.. back to work. then to gym..then to catch Wall-E gala premier!!
YAY!! Wall-e!
Friday, 15 August 2008
Power of Prayer
Out of sheer boredom, buttercup and i prayed for Team Singapore padder vs Korea (the semi finals).. ANd to one point, team Singapore is losing.. so we prayed over the msn for swift victory (cuz we wanted to go home..) and yay!! We won!! Singapore has at least one silver or gold medal!!
See.. prayer works.. power of corporate prayer!!
See.. prayer works.. power of corporate prayer!!
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Morning PM - Day 4
Almost didn't want to attend the prayer meeting this morning.. as I was still groggy - guessed was the after-effects of the Decolgen extra strength i ate last nite.. Oh yeah, was so traumatized by my itchy throat (I drank like a camel yesterday in the office.. THink was more than 1.5litres!) and the cold hands that I went to Dr Baines @ level 7. Oh yeah, I was diagnosed with yeah, the full Flu package.. T_T" and was given one day of MC to rest at home.. :) [which meant that I CANNOT fall sick for remaining of the year.. cuz I've only 0.5 MC left.. Sad.. but it meant that I've fully utilise the "additional" paid leave.. ahha]
Anyway, decided to attend.. scooted out of the house ard 640. in my tee & broadshorts and terry towel flipflops (ya i looked like someone going to beach..) with my good o bottle of water.. No cab cuz no cash.. (forgot to withdraw last nite after choir prac).. Snapped this pic with my w660i. Like the sunrise ..:) but the camera phone can't really captured what i saw.. :)
Reached heart of God church ard 715.. Actually saw some of my cg members in front of me in the lift queue.. didn't manage to get to them.. HAHA was just thinking of maybe calling mr & mrs buttercup up to join them for brekkie since i was on leave and they dun start that early.. and I was brought to the empty seat that was two seat away from buttercup.. God answers even the most insignificant request!
Prayer meeting was.. :) Was praying thru' the prayer list when it dawned upon me that the desire within is STILL deep.. Sigh.. it's like CORE module that you must clear, else it will always be there... And I really don't know how it's gonna happen.. Can only do that if it's really His timing and by FAITH.... Still some time away.. so shall see how things progress...
Had brekkie with mr & mrs buttercup.. with a great view of the paya lebar estate.. (cuz of the ceiling to floor windows) realised from jac that some of the ushers were from heart of God.. Woo.. Brekkie was sumptuous... (much more than my usual cereal & milk..) felt very loved & pampered that brekkie is given after we prayed.. :)
Journey back home to a relaxing day before cg this evening.. and headed to the fairprice and bought the ingredients to my health lunch.. Kao Kee veg with silken tofu & fish slices.. have taken a liking to "meow-fare" as what i told my pt.
Time for me to zzzzz ...
Anyway, decided to attend.. scooted out of the house ard 640. in my tee & broadshorts and terry towel flipflops (ya i looked like someone going to beach..) with my good o bottle of water.. No cab cuz no cash.. (forgot to withdraw last nite after choir prac).. Snapped this pic with my w660i. Like the sunrise ..:) but the camera phone can't really captured what i saw.. :)
Reached heart of God church ard 715.. Actually saw some of my cg members in front of me in the lift queue.. didn't manage to get to them.. HAHA was just thinking of maybe calling mr & mrs buttercup up to join them for brekkie since i was on leave and they dun start that early.. and I was brought to the empty seat that was two seat away from buttercup.. God answers even the most insignificant request!
Prayer meeting was.. :) Was praying thru' the prayer list when it dawned upon me that the desire within is STILL deep.. Sigh.. it's like CORE module that you must clear, else it will always be there... And I really don't know how it's gonna happen.. Can only do that if it's really His timing and by FAITH.... Still some time away.. so shall see how things progress...
Had brekkie with mr & mrs buttercup.. with a great view of the paya lebar estate.. (cuz of the ceiling to floor windows) realised from jac that some of the ushers were from heart of God.. Woo.. Brekkie was sumptuous... (much more than my usual cereal & milk..) felt very loved & pampered that brekkie is given after we prayed.. :)
Journey back home to a relaxing day before cg this evening.. and headed to the fairprice and bought the ingredients to my health lunch.. Kao Kee veg with silken tofu & fish slices.. have taken a liking to "meow-fare" as what i told my pt.
Time for me to zzzzz ...
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
monday evening, tuesday morning...
Went on an "aunty" shopping trip with vic @ OG. Cuz she was looking for the thermal pot (Apparently the stuff in the pot will continue to cook in residual heat... ) And catch up with her @ the starbucks that's hidden in one corner of the orchard pt..
I like the laid back setting...
And see my cuties attacking my dinner.. Low fat broccoli chicken quiche..
Speaking of starbucks.. here's my ticket to the starbucks voucher! - the card with cross.. see two stickers le.. (not that I'm really woo-ed by the prospect of being rewarded by starbucks voucher by clocking in at least 5 stickers..) and the breakfast that's being prepared for the attendees...
One thing i must applaud to.. Our CHC usher ministry..[clap! Clap!!] I was very impressed by the vast improvement of the queue system to the lift lobby and it's very orderly.. just a day difference.. and also.. the bright cheery greetings of the ushers who volunteered to be there [very early]... Now i feel bad to arrive just on time at 7am. (at least i took public transport this morning!!) Once again.. it was a jam packed hall.. happy to see pris after pm & went with her to work.. And saw eunice (who buttercup nicked name her as ibm gal cuz of her ibm lappie) after pris alight.. Chatted with her.. Hmm she's still the same.. :)
One thing i must applaud to.. Our CHC usher ministry..[clap! Clap!!] I was very impressed by the vast improvement of the queue system to the lift lobby and it's very orderly.. just a day difference.. and also.. the bright cheery greetings of the ushers who volunteered to be there [very early]... Now i feel bad to arrive just on time at 7am. (at least i took public transport this morning!!) Once again.. it was a jam packed hall.. happy to see pris after pm & went with her to work.. And saw eunice (who buttercup nicked name her as ibm gal cuz of her ibm lappie) after pris alight.. Chatted with her.. Hmm she's still the same.. :)
I think my astig is detoriating.. Have some problem with the bus nos.. @ the bus stop early this morning.. cuz of the glaring lights.. Sigh.. Dug out my expensive white elephant..made two years ago.. cuz i just want to get a rimless spec for my 50 degree astig. and think 50 or 25 degree myopia on one of the eye.. {faint!}Oh well.. was very tempted to drop by spectacle hut during lunch to make another pair - silly right? - but didn't have the chance.. and thought of doing it after work but once again.. didn't get to cuz left with ruth - cuz she was on her way to zone meeting @ JW. Interestingly how God has intervene, else i would have spent unnecesarily again..
And I saw what that makes me smile.. faint but that ought not to.. (faint!) ran a bitsy.. think i'm catching some cough bug.. :( went home in my op shorts and heels cuz my black pants is rather loose fitting to the extent that Two thought it was "jeans". (faint!) it was supposed to be black pants.. not denim material wo.. but i guess it was too well-worn and cuz it's a bit loose fit for me now.. so.. ya, look casual.. i shall chunk it aside soon... And EXCUSE to buy another pair of black pants!! Shopping! (rubbing hands in glee!! ) Sad.. Kate Spade website doesn't process international order - saw a cute bag that's on sale by 50%.. :(
Looking forward to this sat.. to catch up with corinth (haha I helped her choose that name!!) and catch the gala premier - cuz bro not ard, he kindly let me go catch the movie.. :)
Finally started my new paper journal (used the heartheat book cuz no other notebk le and PRINTS was closed by the time i left the gym). FInally cuz have take 4 years to complete the pervious one from paperchase.. cuz I blogged too much.. (faint!)
Meanwhile.. I have rambled enuff and it's time to zzz and hit my comfy bed... Thank God I don't need Tempur to induce me to sleep.. Got to know this brand cuz my neighbour at work was willing to fork out for a pillow.. hmmm for me.. I can sleep with or without pillow.. even standing up.. haha.. sleepless nite is rare for me.. except when THAT hit.. (and God forbid..)
Verses for digestion::
Hebrew 12
prayer meeting,
Monday, 11 August 2008
Ask and you shall receive..
Woke up again in shock this morning @ 630am (snoozed my alarm which rang at 530am) and managed to leave house at 645am..(was supposed to meet Charlene @ 645!) and reached Singpost @ 7:00 Spent 20 minutes trying to find the lift to the Heart of God Church. And there was a massive jam at the lift area.. Saw Max too.. Met two of cg members on the way.. and prayed with them. :) It was a good prayer session..and the whole premise was jammed packed until the overflow room!! aNd I was prompted & challenged to attend all 10 sessions.. And I received my healing by faith! (for the uninitiated, I've "sweet blood" and never have the faith to believe that I can be completely healed (cuz it's medically proven that there is no cure- has been under good control for 7 years.. no jabs, just pills.. morning and nite.. ) Ask and you shall receive and this applies to other areas as well.. :)
took the stairs down after the PM cuz the lift lobby was jammed packed.. and quite amazed that i could do it quite fast even in my 3 inch high wedge! Managed to reach office ard 8:40 - in time for my morning meeting!
Trying to adjust my running reigme, so attempting to hit the treadmill after meeting vic tonite..:)
took the stairs down after the PM cuz the lift lobby was jammed packed.. and quite amazed that i could do it quite fast even in my 3 inch high wedge! Managed to reach office ard 8:40 - in time for my morning meeting!
Trying to adjust my running reigme, so attempting to hit the treadmill after meeting vic tonite..:)
updates for the week...
Time flies. It was an eventful week.. Actually not that much happened. Let me backtrack..
Thursday.. Cell group day.. :) am beginning to grow attach to my new family. Happy to be of use wherever I’m placed in. Was surprised that Eugene asked me about my guitar playing.. (how does he know I wanna continue to learn..) Matter of fact, have not been playing the guitar at all.. but the conditions of my nails are very suitable for guitar nowadays.. currently “botak” (due to the constant chipping). will consider.. and more than happy if you can teach me..! Right now, just being happy to help in whatever ways I can .:)
Friday .. Happy day. It’s the first day of Olympics. Was wowed by the opening ceremony (but only caught the portion starting from the parade of teams.. ) Especially impressed by the lighting of torch..:) Very creative way to max out on the use of the “nest”. Ipoddie gave me a heart attack by hanging on me @ 8:38 pm. Tried various means to resuscitate it – failed.. Until I did a reset (via following instructions on the apple home page.) It revived!!! (Sad.. no excuse to get my iPod classic now. But I’ll get my iPhone!)
Saturday .. Happy birthday Singapore. Woke up early to have brekkie with family (the usual porridge affair @ Chinatown..) Scooted off to see if there is any deal for the iPoddie @ iShop @ Cineleisure. Sad.. still the net $388 (with a free cover that I don’t need). Bought a pair of Keds canvas shoes.. So cute.. then went on to HMV and spent a lil over some CDs.. and a pair of headphones.. (but so un-cutesy but love the surround sound.. but will just leave the headphones @ home…)
Went for my pt session.. and strangely, am not really feeling it in the upper body that I’d trained.. I think I must feedback.. haha.. Oh yes.. Weird thing.. the club manager who spotted me in my lemonhead tee last Sunday tried to chat me up.. He remembered me cuz of the tee and ya.. tried to invite me for a drink or movie.. T_T” [faint]. Told him that I would be rather busy .. and smiled it off. Later learnt from e (was flabbergasted so I sms-ed him – cuz he’s the only guy I know in the club and comfortable with oso..) that club manager was married! {faint} maybe I looked too young & juvenile (he thinks ya, I resemble the previous club manager, Adeline, whom he said was now posted in China. Btw Adeline is quite chio & petite) and easy target? (faint!)
NDP 2008 was rather alright. I like the black knights portion. Didn’t know that fireworks can be seen from pasir ris.. apparently e did saw it last year from his balcony.. cuz his area was unblocked.. Unfair.. same neighbourhood, but different views.. haha..
Ate at this Thai restaurant @ Terminal 2 after catching the NDP (on TV), cuz was sending my bro off. (He was jetting to Melbourne on vacation.. so envious.. ) Hmm food was yummy!! But didn’t eat much cuz of haha.. the foodlog.
Service was … awesome. For the first time in the many months, I sat with cg (and not with choir members during service… ). Sermon was nothing new yet, just reconfirming what I was doing was in flow.. :) Managed to play tour guide for a family of three from Hong Kong who were visiting us for the first time. Demonstrated the AXS machine too (realized paper wise, I’ve yet transferred.:( ) And enjoyed the fellowship with the members thereafter.. and ivory joined us for the first time!
Shopped at raffles city while waiting for mom to knock off.. And bought yet another tee from river island and blinkblink bangle and earring from Acessorize. Faint.. I spent quite a lot in just two days.. on very irrelevant stuff..
Thursday.. Cell group day.. :) am beginning to grow attach to my new family. Happy to be of use wherever I’m placed in. Was surprised that Eugene asked me about my guitar playing.. (how does he know I wanna continue to learn..) Matter of fact, have not been playing the guitar at all.. but the conditions of my nails are very suitable for guitar nowadays.. currently “botak” (due to the constant chipping). will consider.. and more than happy if you can teach me..! Right now, just being happy to help in whatever ways I can .:)
Friday .. Happy day. It’s the first day of Olympics. Was wowed by the opening ceremony (but only caught the portion starting from the parade of teams.. ) Especially impressed by the lighting of torch..:) Very creative way to max out on the use of the “nest”. Ipoddie gave me a heart attack by hanging on me @ 8:38 pm. Tried various means to resuscitate it – failed.. Until I did a reset (via following instructions on the apple home page.) It revived!!! (Sad.. no excuse to get my iPod classic now. But I’ll get my iPhone!)
Saturday .. Happy birthday Singapore. Woke up early to have brekkie with family (the usual porridge affair @ Chinatown..) Scooted off to see if there is any deal for the iPoddie @ iShop @ Cineleisure. Sad.. still the net $388 (with a free cover that I don’t need). Bought a pair of Keds canvas shoes.. So cute.. then went on to HMV and spent a lil over some CDs.. and a pair of headphones.. (but so un-cutesy but love the surround sound.. but will just leave the headphones @ home…)
Went for my pt session.. and strangely, am not really feeling it in the upper body that I’d trained.. I think I must feedback.. haha.. Oh yes.. Weird thing.. the club manager who spotted me in my lemonhead tee last Sunday tried to chat me up.. He remembered me cuz of the tee and ya.. tried to invite me for a drink or movie.. T_T” [faint]. Told him that I would be rather busy .. and smiled it off. Later learnt from e (was flabbergasted so I sms-ed him – cuz he’s the only guy I know in the club and comfortable with oso..) that club manager was married! {faint} maybe I looked too young & juvenile (he thinks ya, I resemble the previous club manager, Adeline, whom he said was now posted in China. Btw Adeline is quite chio & petite) and easy target? (faint!)
NDP 2008 was rather alright. I like the black knights portion. Didn’t know that fireworks can be seen from pasir ris.. apparently e did saw it last year from his balcony.. cuz his area was unblocked.. Unfair.. same neighbourhood, but different views.. haha..
Ate at this Thai restaurant @ Terminal 2 after catching the NDP (on TV), cuz was sending my bro off. (He was jetting to Melbourne on vacation.. so envious.. ) Hmm food was yummy!! But didn’t eat much cuz of haha.. the foodlog.
Woke up in shock cuz it was 630 am and I needed to be in church by 815am! Cabbed to paya lebar and transfer to the train.. Saw Damien at the next cabin.. but he vanished from sight after ard dover area (cuz I dozed off as well..) Later saw him @ the side stairs on security duty.. aiya.. he cabbed down cuz he was late.. T_T” should have called him when I saw him… Service was … awesome. For the first time in the many months, I sat with cg (and not with choir members during service… ). Sermon was nothing new yet, just reconfirming what I was doing was in flow.. :) Managed to play tour guide for a family of three from Hong Kong who were visiting us for the first time. Demonstrated the AXS machine too (realized paper wise, I’ve yet transferred.:( ) And enjoyed the fellowship with the members thereafter.. and ivory joined us for the first time!
Shopped at raffles city while waiting for mom to knock off.. And bought yet another tee from river island and blinkblink bangle and earring from Acessorize. Faint.. I spent quite a lot in just two days.. on very irrelevant stuff..
Thursday, 7 August 2008
the day of rest...
Woke up with a layer of cryst around my right eye on wednesday.. and it was yep, swollen! Sad.. the doc actually wanted to give me two days of mc (but sad to say, I've sorta max-ed out my medical leave due to my horrendous stomach flu earlier this year - left with only 1.5 days to last till 31 Dec now..), but just took one day off. Rested well at home.. and it was a great one hour in the presence of God in my living room.. and i was brought back to rembrance of what He spoke to me on Tues nite during choir prac.
sis belle got everyone of us to pray for one another - preferably someone you don't know.. aLright, we cheated a little, can't say I don't know amanda yuen. (haha was rather surprised that she uprooted her seat and came to sit with me.. - haha.. ren jian ren ai.. haha.. ) Hmmm frankly, i wasn't fluent in the words of encouragement said to her but it sure touched her heart - cuz.. tears were overflowing.. and confirmed with her that it was :) . And ya, similiarly, it was spot-on word in season for me.. (And definitely, she won't know what i'm going thru lo..) enjoyed the presence of God.. very loved and encouraged..
Squeezed in two hours to work out in the gym.. Sigh, still can't hit 5km within 28min.. slowly but surely.. did that within 31.5min but think my calves were not warmed up..bad..bad.. did a couple of resistance machines but was rather put off by the "aftersmell" scent lingering from the rubberished portion of the machine.. - ya, bacteria infesting from the pespiration left by the incredible hulks who used the machine and never wiped off.. T_T"
Attended the adult choir's prac in the evening .. it was a fun vocal warm-up session.. haPpie to see eileen there.. it was rather hilarious when Sofian tried to get us yawn deep.. :) and ya, i think i need to be more faithful and diligient with the warm ups (and i realised that I've sorta use my diaphragm wrong way for like the twenty years!!! T_T" ~ faint!!) Wonder should i continue kar-lar-feying after the Aug 18 performance.. cuz I really like the song they are singing for the Asian Conference. :)
hmmm let me get back to work now.. at least my two eyes aren't slitting anymore (after slabbing on the antibiotic gel into my eye!)
sis belle got everyone of us to pray for one another - preferably someone you don't know.. aLright, we cheated a little, can't say I don't know amanda yuen. (haha was rather surprised that she uprooted her seat and came to sit with me.. - haha.. ren jian ren ai.. haha.. ) Hmmm frankly, i wasn't fluent in the words of encouragement said to her but it sure touched her heart - cuz.. tears were overflowing.. and confirmed with her that it was :) . And ya, similiarly, it was spot-on word in season for me.. (And definitely, she won't know what i'm going thru lo..) enjoyed the presence of God.. very loved and encouraged..
Squeezed in two hours to work out in the gym.. Sigh, still can't hit 5km within 28min.. slowly but surely.. did that within 31.5min but think my calves were not warmed up..bad..bad.. did a couple of resistance machines but was rather put off by the "aftersmell" scent lingering from the rubberished portion of the machine.. - ya, bacteria infesting from the pespiration left by the incredible hulks who used the machine and never wiped off.. T_T"
Attended the adult choir's prac in the evening .. it was a fun vocal warm-up session.. haPpie to see eileen there.. it was rather hilarious when Sofian tried to get us yawn deep.. :) and ya, i think i need to be more faithful and diligient with the warm ups (and i realised that I've sorta use my diaphragm wrong way for like the twenty years!!! T_T" ~ faint!!) Wonder should i continue kar-lar-feying after the Aug 18 performance.. cuz I really like the song they are singing for the Asian Conference. :)
hmmm let me get back to work now.. at least my two eyes aren't slitting anymore (after slabbing on the antibiotic gel into my eye!)
Isaiah 54
1“Sing, O barren,
You who have not borne!
Break forth into singing, and cry aloud,
You who have not labored with child!
For more are the children of the desolate
Than the children of the married woman,” says the LORD.
2 “ Enlarge the place of your tent,
And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings;
Do not spare;
Lengthen your cords,
And strengthen your stakes.
3 For you shall expand to the right and to the left,
And your descendants will inherit the nations,
And make the desolate cities inhabited.
4 “ Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed;
Neither be disgraced, for you will not be put to shame;
For you will forget the shame of your youth,
And will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore.
5 For your Maker is your husband,
The LORD of hosts is His name;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel;
He is called the God of the whole earth.
6 For the LORD has called you
Like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit,
Like a youthful wife when you were refused,”
Says your God.
7 “ For a mere moment I have forsaken you,
But with great mercies I will gather you.
8 With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment;
But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,”
Says the LORD, your Redeemer.
9 “ For this is like the waters of Noah to Me;
For as I have sworn
That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth,
So have I sworn
That I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.
10 For the mountains shall depart
And the hills be removed,
But My kindness shall not depart from you,
Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,”
Says the LORD, who has mercy on you.
11 “ O you afflicted one,
Tossed with tempest, and not comforted,
Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems,
And lay your foundations with sapphires.
12 I will make your pinnacles of rubies,
Your gates of crystal,
And all your walls of precious stones.
13 All your children shall be taught by the LORD,
And great shall be the peace of your children.
14 In righteousness you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear;
And from terror, for it shall not come near you.
15 Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me.
Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.
16 “ Behold, I have created the blacksmith
Who blows the coals in the fire,
Who brings forth an instrument for his work;
And I have created the spoiler to destroy.
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the LORD.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Some just try to lighten conversations, yet they just don't understand how pissed the other party is with the flow of conversation. Or is the situation like the advertisment tag for UOB Ladies' card?
Have you ever on the TV and it just so coincidental that the very name you wanna put out of your mind kept repeating over and over again?
Yup, that happened last night after I switched on the TV (for some noise) after returning home from a dinner-get-together with some ex-colleagues from iras.
T_T" Was shocked to just hear the name when the TV is on... took me a moment to register in my head why the sound was so familiar.. I thought I spoke my thoughts aloud! then, I realised it wasn't me speaking.. T_T"
It's so not going to crystallise and it's so juvenile and not definitely not according to His words.. And it doesn't help when the grey matter particles love to link up the different nervous impulses.. and memories.. T_T"
What show? I didn't even know the name of the show..
T_T" faint.
iPhone is coming... :)
Read this on yahoo web.. iPhone3G is coming! I wanna lay hands on one.. Incidentally, my red SE is peeling..
Sunday, 3 August 2008
the Saturday with FOP & fellowship
Indeed, when you are grown up, you oughta behave your age...
I cringed at how others can "tahan" me four years ago. Was going thru my post four years ago while trying to categorise & tag them in my backup wordpress. :) - My opinion was that.. man, i was my thought life, my outlook of life.. Yet there is also the child-like faith prevalent, especially in the things of God.
Incidentally, the message that Rev Mike Conner preached tonite was.. "growing up, growing 'old' ".. Trying to take responsibility of the body, mind, spirit. :) And , speaking of thought life :: I ought not think of.. T_T"
FOP ::I prefer the hillsong portion.. :) Aussie over NZ?
Oh yeah, SIS.. brought back many memories.. mostly good.. and the big dreams that God spoke to me.. :)
Was rather happy with my progress to self-assimilate into my new cg.. .. interesting rite? I self-integrate ... instead of the other way round.. Oh well, did it a no. of times le, in jc (cuz in the foreign land full of TCHS guys and NYGS gals.. the DHS peeps there are a good handful of 30+ i think in the whole cohort... ), when I migrated to w110 after the n181 disbanded... Enjoyed my talking to beeling.. haha.. wa.. never thought that I would be sharing how i came to chc with her.. and ya.. being from the tax collection agency formerly allows me to connect with her.. :) and ya, realised that other common traits too.. Happy that the old familar feel of things are all coming back now, just that now it is with a higher level of maturity.. and tact .. and wisdom... And she thought that I'd already went thru' SOT. What shall i say.. I don't want enactment of the hit & miss again.. The next time I send the application, that shall be it.. (incidentally, almost made it for 2005 but pulled out last minute.. )
Was sorta tired but decided to stayed on the fellowship with my cgl & his lovely wife & sister-in-law, charlene, beeling and summer! (she looks so chio in her make-up & hairdo.. wonder how jieyin looked like..) went to TCC.. loved their Beef Mozza-Tofu. :) yumz!!
backtrack a little.. went to the szechuan art exhibition auction (AND I didn't realise that there was a dresscode -formal ~ I was in my mambo sundress and carrying my huge Gap tote - I looked like i just came from Sentosa (ok, i really did came from somewhere near sentosa- HarbourFront.. lame, ya i was @ work this morning!) Alright, really like some of the paintings... but too pricey for me.. And saw shujun there too.. cherie commented that she looked like yanzi & very stylo (JY can tell her lo.. hehe).. cuz of her hairstyle.. :)
All in all.. it was a great Saturday... :) And I ran 5km within 30min! After PT! Applause for yee!! :)
I cringed at how others can "tahan" me four years ago. Was going thru my post four years ago while trying to categorise & tag them in my backup wordpress. :) - My opinion was that.. man, i was my thought life, my outlook of life.. Yet there is also the child-like faith prevalent, especially in the things of God.
Incidentally, the message that Rev Mike Conner preached tonite was.. "growing up, growing 'old' ".. Trying to take responsibility of the body, mind, spirit. :) And , speaking of thought life :: I ought not think of.. T_T"
FOP ::I prefer the hillsong portion.. :) Aussie over NZ?
Oh yeah, SIS.. brought back many memories.. mostly good.. and the big dreams that God spoke to me.. :)
Was rather happy with my progress to self-assimilate into my new cg.. .. interesting rite? I self-integrate ... instead of the other way round.. Oh well, did it a no. of times le, in jc (cuz in the foreign land full of TCHS guys and NYGS gals.. the DHS peeps there are a good handful of 30+ i think in the whole cohort... ), when I migrated to w110 after the n181 disbanded... Enjoyed my talking to beeling.. haha.. wa.. never thought that I would be sharing how i came to chc with her.. and ya.. being from the tax collection agency formerly allows me to connect with her.. :) and ya, realised that other common traits too.. Happy that the old familar feel of things are all coming back now, just that now it is with a higher level of maturity.. and tact .. and wisdom... And she thought that I'd already went thru' SOT. What shall i say.. I don't want enactment of the hit & miss again.. The next time I send the application, that shall be it.. (incidentally, almost made it for 2005 but pulled out last minute.. )
Was sorta tired but decided to stayed on the fellowship with my cgl & his lovely wife & sister-in-law, charlene, beeling and summer! (she looks so chio in her make-up & hairdo.. wonder how jieyin looked like..) went to TCC.. loved their Beef Mozza-Tofu. :) yumz!!
backtrack a little.. went to the szechuan art exhibition auction (AND I didn't realise that there was a dresscode -formal ~ I was in my mambo sundress and carrying my huge Gap tote - I looked like i just came from Sentosa (ok, i really did came from somewhere near sentosa- HarbourFront.. lame, ya i was @ work this morning!) Alright, really like some of the paintings... but too pricey for me.. And saw shujun there too.. cherie commented that she looked like yanzi & very stylo (JY can tell her lo.. hehe).. cuz of her hairstyle.. :)
All in all.. it was a great Saturday... :) And I ran 5km within 30min! After PT! Applause for yee!! :)
Saturday, 2 August 2008
Surprise phone call..
I was happily watching TV (and trying to relax and fall zzz ) at around 11 when i heard my phone vibrated.. And it was an unfmailiar number.. I was surprised that it was... uhm.. pastor. (uhm).Guessed that he was quite surprised when i had voluntarily asked for a transfer (this was the first time I actually self-transferred, after the reshuffling, disband, multiplication, change of cgl.. and to quote his words, 'you always bite through the bullet.') yet what's the reason? T_T" I really dunno what to say... but he was just genuinely concerned for the cg ba.. afterall.. there are quite a number of changes in the composite.. and i shall not elaborate further on the conversation..but I was very surprised that pastor actually know that I'd transferred cg. (thought it will be just an admin procedure... ) Dunno whether the conversation will continue cuz it was interrupted as pst has an another incoming call. But it was so cute to hear Javier in the background.. trying to catch his daddy attention.. :)
Nah, I did not say anything negative.. Afterall, it was due to my own personal growth that I request for change.. but yet.. what pastor said is also rather true.
But was very touched that pastor actually called. :)
Nah, I did not say anything negative.. Afterall, it was due to my own personal growth that I request for change.. but yet.. what pastor said is also rather true.
But was very touched that pastor actually called. :)
Friday, 1 August 2008
I can run, but I can't hide, neither can I deny...
Just so happened that I'd decided to backup my blogger (the old & present) into wordpress. And I read some of the older posts that I'd written way back in 2004 (while trying to tag & categorise the posts).
I saw the child like faith, the abundance love for His people.. the attitude of serving.. the true servant heart which has sort of eroded when more is required, and the more I learnt (i.e. complacent). The powerplant had been running on self-generator instead of the Megawatt generator with unlimited energy..
I realised what I'd lost. And, it has really grieved the Holy Spirit. And many a times, I'd blatanly ignored all the warning signs and went dash straight ahead.
So many opportunities I'd missed out. All because of doubt. (Went thru' seasonal cycles of valleys, mountain tops. deeper valley.. higher mountain top.. then to the recent pits of the pits... ) And yes, the most recent pitfall was - the main ingredient was left out - God. Repent.. Tried running away. Tried to dissuade that it was over and perhaps all the visions/ dreams/ desires are not from God, but my own wishful thinking... And I was darn rebellious to the extent while everyone was setting their goals in the goal setting card.. I decided NOT to.. cuz was thinking.. what's the point...(really jaded then..)
This seven months of being a fugitive on the run has really worn me out. Yet, strangely this desire that was birth within me 7 years ago didn't depart, it just got stronger. I can run, but I can't hide and definitely unable to deny. Scanning through some of the posts (really can get juvenile at times, i wonder how they could tahan the "act-cute" me then... T_T" but I was younger then too... ) really brought to mind of the purity of intentions of doing everything... Wa. since when the silly thing called pride crept in? T_T"
Matter of fact, I can't deny what He has purposed in my heart to do.. And I can finally see light again. And all this was before cellgroup meeting today.. And needless to say, it was a powerful time today. My long time prayer request came to pass. I like what Steven said today, cellgroup should be a daily event, not a weekly (Thurs - hibye, Sun - hibye, and some socialising...C'est tout!) event. I.e. really get into lives of others.. God is good!! For the record, there wasn't much preaching today, just a discussion/ brainstorming session.. but it was great! Cuz it was illuminating for me.. :)
I realised that indeed I still have the ability to talk & connect with people (just that whether I want to or not) and my soulish side would love to hide and be shy. Sigh.. if I'm that shy, I wouldn't be voicing all these out right? T_T" Silly decitful front that the devil is luring me into. Current situation reminded me of the time when i was first transferred to W110 (in which I don't know anyone there - save for the eugene & peilong. ) yet, I did establish lotsa friendship there... Now, I just need to do it again.. Making progress.. Haha.. Clicking well with weiling.. :) Fun to encourage her! Think she's going thru' what I'd went through previously... Digress:: so happy.. weiling said I looked slimmer!! (the morning run for the past week is showing! yay!! For another record.. I ran another 4km this morning.. in abt 27min..! Nearing to the goal that e has set.)
I am standing up again.. and ya, I won't deny what He has purposed in my heart. Loving God & loving people fervently.. :)
I saw the child like faith, the abundance love for His people.. the attitude of serving.. the true servant heart which has sort of eroded when more is required, and the more I learnt (i.e. complacent). The powerplant had been running on self-generator instead of the Megawatt generator with unlimited energy..
I realised what I'd lost. And, it has really grieved the Holy Spirit. And many a times, I'd blatanly ignored all the warning signs and went dash straight ahead.
So many opportunities I'd missed out. All because of doubt. (Went thru' seasonal cycles of valleys, mountain tops. deeper valley.. higher mountain top.. then to the recent pits of the pits... ) And yes, the most recent pitfall was - the main ingredient was left out - God. Repent.. Tried running away. Tried to dissuade that it was over and perhaps all the visions/ dreams/ desires are not from God, but my own wishful thinking... And I was darn rebellious to the extent while everyone was setting their goals in the goal setting card.. I decided NOT to.. cuz was thinking.. what's the point...(really jaded then..)
This seven months of being a fugitive on the run has really worn me out. Yet, strangely this desire that was birth within me 7 years ago didn't depart, it just got stronger. I can run, but I can't hide and definitely unable to deny. Scanning through some of the posts (really can get juvenile at times, i wonder how they could tahan the "act-cute" me then... T_T" but I was younger then too... ) really brought to mind of the purity of intentions of doing everything... Wa. since when the silly thing called pride crept in? T_T"
Matter of fact, I can't deny what He has purposed in my heart to do.. And I can finally see light again. And all this was before cellgroup meeting today.. And needless to say, it was a powerful time today. My long time prayer request came to pass. I like what Steven said today, cellgroup should be a daily event, not a weekly (Thurs - hibye, Sun - hibye, and some socialising...C'est tout!) event. I.e. really get into lives of others.. God is good!! For the record, there wasn't much preaching today, just a discussion/ brainstorming session.. but it was great! Cuz it was illuminating for me.. :)
I realised that indeed I still have the ability to talk & connect with people (just that whether I want to or not) and my soulish side would love to hide and be shy. Sigh.. if I'm that shy, I wouldn't be voicing all these out right? T_T" Silly decitful front that the devil is luring me into. Current situation reminded me of the time when i was first transferred to W110 (in which I don't know anyone there - save for the eugene & peilong. ) yet, I did establish lotsa friendship there... Now, I just need to do it again.. Making progress.. Haha.. Clicking well with weiling.. :) Fun to encourage her! Think she's going thru' what I'd went through previously... Digress:: so happy.. weiling said I looked slimmer!! (the morning run for the past week is showing! yay!! For another record.. I ran another 4km this morning.. in abt 27min..! Nearing to the goal that e has set.)
I am standing up again.. and ya, I won't deny what He has purposed in my heart. Loving God & loving people fervently.. :)
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