Was kinda sad to see a friend's cynical comment on his fb's status regarding an article published by the sg english tabliod. But perhaps it was one of the factors back then when he (and family) took flight suddenly?? whatever is the case, was sad to sense the hint of bitterness in his comment.. '...making a scornful mockery at the essence and spirit of unequal amount, equal scarifice'. and followed by yet another comment that dig at her songs titles and her singing ability... (curiosity got hold, and i went to check his other comments on his fb page... which clearly state his viewpoint on this issue... Spotted one of his recent comment which i thought would shut him up if I counteract his current comment with - whether he oughta selling his 6 room hdb flat to acquire a 4 room condo.. - gosh.. if a salaried man like him can afford a private property in land scarce singapore (where pty is uber expensive), what's the problem with a celebrity staying in (rental pty) posh estate?), and the frills that one would expects a celeb to possess??
Seriously, no one will bat an eyelid if they got news that a local celebrity, say Fann Wong, stays in this multi-million property in land-scarce Singapore.. Even her hairstylist (alright, he is a celebrity hairstylist) can afford residing in a multi-million humble abode here in sg, so what's the big deal of an celebrity of international status, to stay in a posh property? Not a big deal if your neighbours are celebrities too right? anyway, it's on lease, not purchased . So what's the big fuss.. [You don't expect a well-known celebrity to stay in some dingy apartment rite?]
the media only reports the perceived indulgence, but what about the humanitarian work done by her, out of her royalities?? still a scornful mockery? duh..
T empted to rebuke but remembered something from s2.. mercy over righteousness..
oh well, don't bite the hand that feed you, bro... bitter juice ain't healthy...
having said that.. Glad to spot pst, and sun appearing in s3 during worship.. :)
click me!!
Monday, 21 June 2010
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Constructive :)
Half of Thursday has gone... I shall be more constructive and plan for the next 10 hours or so...
And yes, trying to figure out how should I reply to that advice... in the absence of my boss.. :(
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Saturday, 12 June 2010
my desires
Random surfing on a SATURDAY WORKDAY (in this era where almost people are on a 5-day workweek)
1. Bottega Veneta Bags


I really like these two. Anyone wanna play santa? :)
2. Stella McCartney Stella Sheer 2010

According to website: www.fragrantica.com, "... an entire organic rose harvest was purchased to create the one-of-a-kind fragrance. Fresh, natural top notes of Green Apple, Frosted Lemon and Bulgarian Rose open a romantic heart of Celestial Rose, Rose Absolute, and Iranian Organic Rose, grounded by a base of warm, sensual Amber.
The limited-edition Sheer Stella bottle was designed by British artist Philip Jones, an internationally renowned London-based painter who has most recently exhibited work in Madrid."
I've used up almost 60% of my old bottle of Stella Sheer (2008 edition).
I really like the light fragrance - it features peony, pink pepper, freesia, raspberry, white rose and white musk. Perhaps I should head down to Sephora to get the 2010 edition.. Think my A.M.I card has some privileges at Sephora. :)
3. Get away trip
I wanna get out of the country! Hong Kong will be nice - Summer Sales! (moolah deficit though...) Discipline.. Saving up for Europe spree next year! :)
1. Bottega Veneta Bags
I really like these two. Anyone wanna play santa? :)
2. Stella McCartney Stella Sheer 2010
According to website: www.fragrantica.com, "... an entire organic rose harvest was purchased to create the one-of-a-kind fragrance. Fresh, natural top notes of Green Apple, Frosted Lemon and Bulgarian Rose open a romantic heart of Celestial Rose, Rose Absolute, and Iranian Organic Rose, grounded by a base of warm, sensual Amber.
The limited-edition Sheer Stella bottle was designed by British artist Philip Jones, an internationally renowned London-based painter who has most recently exhibited work in Madrid."
I've used up almost 60% of my old bottle of Stella Sheer (2008 edition).
I really like the light fragrance - it features peony, pink pepper, freesia, raspberry, white rose and white musk. Perhaps I should head down to Sephora to get the 2010 edition.. Think my A.M.I card has some privileges at Sephora. :)
3. Get away trip
I wanna get out of the country! Hong Kong will be nice - Summer Sales! (moolah deficit though...) Discipline.. Saving up for Europe spree next year! :)
Pampered.. :)
Have not embraced the idea of taking up facial packages as form of pampering..(which is good)..Had only did once in my lifetime and that was foc.. I guessed I've relatively alright complexion, saved for a couple of pimple bumps and a chicken pox scar.. and uhm.. some pores that aren't invisible to the naked eye.. and self-inflicted slightly dark rings underneath the eye.. save for these... I guess i can shun away from professional facial care and continue with my hordes of d.i.y masks/routine.. :)
Hence, my idea of pampering - pedicures/ manicures.. :) Finally visited the opi lac bar at parco at millenia walk after collecting my sweet pea dress at rafflescity this evening after work.. [it was lovely.. think i might wear it tmw!] the lac bar at robinson walk was more lux but the current layout at millenia walk was not too bad.. like it cuz it's tucked at this corner near some nice jap resturants.. should try them out soon.. :)
I wanted to try out the mad as a hatter/ absolutely alice for my mani- but it's kinda loud for everyday wear.. Hence, settled for a purple tone from the shrek forever series - funky dunkey - and glam-ed it up with glitter .. and for the toes.. chose a subtle glitterly dark purple - mystery from the opi designer series.. [ and i really like this series... ;p]
my manicurist really liked how my manicure turned out - not because it's her creation.. but cuz it's really pretty and she has not done this version of two-tone mani in the recent months..
Side note: i think my calf muscles must be really taut - cuz even the manicurist commented that i must have run a lot - the calves are very muscular, unlike most of her clients.. lol.
Speaking of which, i still owe e the uber long run... doing it tmw before s2 .. :) pst phil is preaching this weekend!!! my fave pst other than my snr pst! :)
Hence, my idea of pampering - pedicures/ manicures.. :) Finally visited the opi lac bar at parco at millenia walk after collecting my sweet pea dress at rafflescity this evening after work.. [it was lovely.. think i might wear it tmw!] the lac bar at robinson walk was more lux but the current layout at millenia walk was not too bad.. like it cuz it's tucked at this corner near some nice jap resturants.. should try them out soon.. :)
I wanted to try out the mad as a hatter/ absolutely alice for my mani- but it's kinda loud for everyday wear.. Hence, settled for a purple tone from the shrek forever series - funky dunkey - and glam-ed it up with glitter .. and for the toes.. chose a subtle glitterly dark purple - mystery from the opi designer series.. [ and i really like this series... ;p]
my manicurist really liked how my manicure turned out - not because it's her creation.. but cuz it's really pretty and she has not done this version of two-tone mani in the recent months..
my lovely manicured left hand..
Speaking of which, i still owe e the uber long run... doing it tmw before s2 .. :) pst phil is preaching this weekend!!! my fave pst other than my snr pst! :)
Friday, 11 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
This land does not have three hundred taels of silver!
Logging out of my Yahoo! email led me to this piece of news ( though it was the news of the dismissal of a NY citibank banker that caught my attention. Reason for the alleged abrupt termination - she was too sexy! And in the lawsuit, she purported her manager told her to '“refrain from wearing certain items of clothing, in particular, turtleneck tops, pencil skirts, fitted business suits, or other properly tailored clothing” ... madness!)
Anyway, back to the next piece of news that I read... being proactive doesn't pay. Was this yet another publicity stunt - to cash in on the negative impact of one to prove one's not in the perceived same league as the other in spotlight, under 'concerned parties' scrutiny. Perhaps, that's really the case, but to the netizens it seemed, based on their comments, it's like 越描越黑... or is it as the chinese proverb goes '此地无银三百两' ?( loosely translated as 'this land does not have three hundred tales of silver'. - found a weblink to the origin of this proverb)
this minor stakeholder still firmly believes in what she believes.. :) like the chorus of one of my fave song by the Pretenders...I'll stand by you. :)
Anyway, back to the next piece of news that I read... being proactive doesn't pay. Was this yet another publicity stunt - to cash in on the negative impact of one to prove one's not in the perceived same league as the other in spotlight, under 'concerned parties' scrutiny. Perhaps, that's really the case, but to the netizens it seemed, based on their comments, it's like 越描越黑... or is it as the chinese proverb goes '此地无银三百两' ?( loosely translated as 'this land does not have three hundred tales of silver'. - found a weblink to the origin of this proverb)
this minor stakeholder still firmly believes in what she believes.. :) like the chorus of one of my fave song by the Pretenders...I'll stand by you. :)
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Apple happy day!!
Finally.. iPhone 4 is gonna arrive soon.. :)
Had been waiting (not very) patiently for its launch at the WWDC since the demise of my SE phone.. hence did not attempt to recontract my existing teleco plan (my ailing SE had malfuctioned and I did not attempt to repair it again )- my current foc samsung is warranty-less cuz it foc.. and with no proof of purchase, didn't know how to register for it online... and there are some functions which I don't really know how to use.. :o
Waiting for the telcos to put up waiting list for the phone... :)
yay! snowieberry will born soon... :) [ nope, not getting a white bb.. i like fruits from the berry family.. and had christened my various gadgets --berry.. blueberry was my iPod mini (which has cracked and died long time ago).. winterberry is my capacity - max-ed (white) iPod.. appleberry - my red iPod shuffle.. so... snowieberry will be the next mac product to be added to the berry legacy.. lol
Had been waiting (not very) patiently for its launch at the WWDC since the demise of my SE phone.. hence did not attempt to recontract my existing teleco plan (my ailing SE had malfuctioned and I did not attempt to repair it again )- my current foc samsung is warranty-less cuz it foc.. and with no proof of purchase, didn't know how to register for it online... and there are some functions which I don't really know how to use.. :o
Waiting for the telcos to put up waiting list for the phone... :)
yay! snowieberry will born soon... :) [ nope, not getting a white bb.. i like fruits from the berry family.. and had christened my various gadgets --berry.. blueberry was my iPod mini (which has cracked and died long time ago).. winterberry is my capacity - max-ed (white) iPod.. appleberry - my red iPod shuffle.. so... snowieberry will be the next mac product to be added to the berry legacy.. lol
Friday, 4 June 2010
How do one define commercial? I reckon you will associate that with businesses (i.e. profit-driven organisations/ entities). Wonder why non-commercial affairs come under commercial affairs' purview. Certainly not comprehenable in the 3rd-D, but definitely in the 4th-D.
Still, I stand by my views and believe.. :) What doesn't break you will make you stronger. Like what a friend stated in his fb thru his revelation of Ex1:12 :
Still, I stand by my views and believe.. :) What doesn't break you will make you stronger. Like what a friend stated in his fb thru his revelation of Ex1:12 :
" But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel."wow! :)
Cabbage Feast
Tired of finding healthy choices for lunch, I've packed my lunch for these few days..
All in the name of lunch with j & xl this sat.. Dun think it'll be sinfully sinful but just in case.. :) haven't seen j since her wedding last year..
Friday's here.. Training Day! :)
Wed's Lunch : Cabbage with multi-grained rice + oven-baked terriyaki saba fish
the mulit-grain rice tasted better than solely brown rice or the red cargo rice. Consisted of barley, brown rice, black rice.. and some other type of whole grains..product from taiwan.
The saba fish tasted great. Bought it marinated/ raw/ frozen from fairprice..it's from norway, unlike the prc eel, and hence, gave me greater confidence to try)
Thurs' lunch : Boiled Cabbage with a slice of smoked turkey breast :)
which was not as substantial as wed's lunch cuz no grains/rice .. ended up gobbing the sandwich I'd intended for pre-work out in the evening. All in the name of lunch with j & xl this sat.. Dun think it'll be sinfully sinful but just in case.. :) haven't seen j since her wedding last year..
Friday's here.. Training Day! :)
I was about to leave the office when I saw the distinctive arch of rainbow spectrum through the drawn blinds of the windows behind my seat. Curious, I went behind the blinds and lo and behold.. I saw a huge rainbow that span from somewhere from vivo to perhaps sentosa region..
Excited, i told my neighbour HM, who was kinda intrigued by the rainbow sighting (cuz both of us haven't seen one for a while..especially admist the high-rise concrete jungle..)..Spotted R, my ex-neighbour, fellow harvester whom I knew that she loves rainbows (I guessed perhaps to us, rainbow holds a something special and meaningful rembrance for us - God's token of covenant during the Great flood during Noah's time). She was uber excited and :) to see that happy distinct arc!
Alright, I know that rainbows are simply formed by the reflection/ refraction of sun rays into raindrops.. But then again, you don't get to see one every time it rains.. To me, it's His way of reminder of His promise to me.. :) felt loved..
So the four of us, sat/ stood at the full glass panel and admired the rainbow.. Strangely, it went from dimmer to brighter despite that it was not raining and sun is rising.. rainbow-glazed for 10+ minutes. very blessed!
And I'm glad I've made R's day by letting her view the rainbow.. ;) I guessed we all need encouragement/ reminder of His promise in times like this.. :)
Some shots of the rainbow taken with my phone to capture our memories:
Excited, i told my neighbour HM, who was kinda intrigued by the rainbow sighting (cuz both of us haven't seen one for a while..especially admist the high-rise concrete jungle..)..Spotted R, my ex-neighbour, fellow harvester whom I knew that she loves rainbows (I guessed perhaps to us, rainbow holds a something special and meaningful rembrance for us - God's token of covenant during the Great flood during Noah's time). She was uber excited and :) to see that happy distinct arc!
Alright, I know that rainbows are simply formed by the reflection/ refraction of sun rays into raindrops.. But then again, you don't get to see one every time it rains.. To me, it's His way of reminder of His promise to me.. :) felt loved..
So the four of us, sat/ stood at the full glass panel and admired the rainbow.. Strangely, it went from dimmer to brighter despite that it was not raining and sun is rising.. rainbow-glazed for 10+ minutes. very blessed!
And I'm glad I've made R's day by letting her view the rainbow.. ;) I guessed we all need encouragement/ reminder of His promise in times like this.. :)
Some shots of the rainbow taken with my phone to capture our memories:
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Bowalicious dress!
Through the rather new online portal, jipaban, I chanced upon this blogshop with a very cutesy name - lilypirates. (Though I did not made any purchase over the jipaban ). Taken fancy to some of their exclusive items.. and the very whimsical names that the two shop-owners have labelled them..
My first sucessful purchase - the classic cream colored - bowalicious dress. I guess it's named 'bowalicious' cuz of the bow covering rather bare back.. (but the frontal view is rather innocent - hence fit for work - anyway, I don't move around office that much)
The random purple piece lurking in the background was my workout attire - taken the pix in the changing room before my second run of the week.. :)
bowalicious! :)
on a different note, bought another dress this afternoon from lilypirates cuz my bro didn't manage to get me my burberry nor miffys.. :( cheap thrill .. :) the name is so cutesy - sweetpea dress!
My first sucessful purchase - the classic cream colored - bowalicious dress. I guess it's named 'bowalicious' cuz of the bow covering rather bare back.. (but the frontal view is rather innocent - hence fit for work - anyway, I don't move around office that much)
The random purple piece lurking in the background was my workout attire - taken the pix in the changing room before my second run of the week.. :)
bowalicious! :)
on a different note, bought another dress this afternoon from lilypirates cuz my bro didn't manage to get me my burberry nor miffys.. :( cheap thrill .. :) the name is so cutesy - sweetpea dress!
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
45th in ranking!
Alright, I entered the race not expecting to have a fantastic placing, afterall, my knee was not in its optimal condition (thanks to a day of artificial heights). Sure, there were prizes for the the Top 10s of each category (which was not at all attractive), but never had it crossed my mind that I would be in the fastest few.. like fastest 50..
I'd a pleasant surprise when I saw the results on the website this morning (after all the negative news)..
YAY! I was in the 45th position.. out of 437 women who ran the 25km category.. :) Then I saw, the 44th was faster than me only by 17 sec! If only I'd sprinted in the last 200m instead of the last 100m.. :( still.. not too bad a placing after all... :) Happy Day!
I'd a pleasant surprise when I saw the results on the website this morning (after all the negative news)..
YAY! I was in the 45th position.. out of 437 women who ran the 25km category.. :) Then I saw, the 44th was faster than me only by 17 sec! If only I'd sprinted in the last 200m instead of the last 100m.. :( still.. not too bad a placing after all... :) Happy Day!
Not again?
I was in the gym last evening when I saw that we made the news again... it's so timely, just after AC. After the victorious five days of AC, it's of little surprise that the other side decide to launch an attack.
The truth shall speaks for itself. ;) And I'm no pottted plant that uproots and shift at the slightest ruffle of the wind..
Gee, I hope that 八卦 (translate: nosy) colleague of mine won't come to me and ask me on this issue.. Gosh, I pray that my ears' filtration system works!
The truth shall speaks for itself. ;) And I'm no pottted plant that uproots and shift at the slightest ruffle of the wind..
Gee, I hope that 八卦 (translate: nosy) colleague of mine won't come to me and ask me on this issue.. Gosh, I pray that my ears' filtration system works!
AC: the experience, the aftermath
The five days flew pass in a whirlwind... Had been waking up at pre-dawn hours four out of five days cuz I wanna be in the main hall.. (and I don't have any special privilege to enable me fast access).. but had the luxury to queue in air-conditioning while waiting to be busk into the main hall..( was in the main hall 80% of the time, with the exception of the fri am sessions and sat's session) I chose to be in hall 10 cuz of C3 band!) In short, it was an eventul, fruitful 5 days, awed & impacted by some of my favourite o'seas speakers - Dr Phil Pringle, Dr AR Bernard. And heard Dr Cho shared for the first time ever.. and managed to catch up with old friends - jac, ziv and amelia on the last day.. [and thanks to wl's desire to witness "NDP" in the main hall for the last day.. we managed to :) ]
the volunteers who helped out was great.. and all except one encounter with a rare species of usher that ask weird questions when j went to the ladies (which was a huge long queue and by the nature of the differences of female and male's anatomy, female will in general take a longer time to get rid of its bodily toxic compared to guys - not to mention that females have the 'luxury' of discharging something additional monthly). This middle-aged usher M decided to try his means and way to fill that empty seat (which wasn't empty) cuz J went to the ladies just a minute or so before he posed his first silly question "who is sitting here?" (He won't know who even we let him know the identity rite?") Then 15 minutes later (we were sitting at the other side of the hall which would take about 3-4 minute to move through the throngs of humans), usher M came and asked - where was that person? Why wasn't she back yet? Can you give her a call so I can speak to her and I can account my i/c?- even when I told the very dense-in-head M that she didn't have her phone with her - and do i need to spell out why females take longer time in the loo?- He insisted that we called her (she didn't have her phone, how to call??) and out of irritation - told him plain in the face - she had menses, do you expect her to be done so soon? (I was short of telling him that females don't pee standing up!). Irritated and peeved, I got his name with half the intention to complain about him.. (which I decided not to cuz it was too much of a hassle).. and he added he would come back again to check on the truth of our words - and he insisted he didn't implied that we were lying.. - And out of irritation, I beckoned that tweet to SEE for himself once J was back.. Duh... (Imagine if I was the foreign delegate, won't I be super pissed off) Gosh.. maybe I should have talked to him in my PRC accented mandarin.
Oh well, weird characters everywhere...
still it was a great 5 days! :)
the volunteers who helped out was great.. and all except one encounter with a rare species of usher that ask weird questions when j went to the ladies (which was a huge long queue and by the nature of the differences of female and male's anatomy, female will in general take a longer time to get rid of its bodily toxic compared to guys - not to mention that females have the 'luxury' of discharging something additional monthly). This middle-aged usher M decided to try his means and way to fill that empty seat (which wasn't empty) cuz J went to the ladies just a minute or so before he posed his first silly question "who is sitting here?" (He won't know who even we let him know the identity rite?") Then 15 minutes later (we were sitting at the other side of the hall which would take about 3-4 minute to move through the throngs of humans), usher M came and asked - where was that person? Why wasn't she back yet? Can you give her a call so I can speak to her and I can account my i/c?- even when I told the very dense-in-head M that she didn't have her phone with her - and do i need to spell out why females take longer time in the loo?- He insisted that we called her (she didn't have her phone, how to call??) and out of irritation - told him plain in the face - she had menses, do you expect her to be done so soon? (I was short of telling him that females don't pee standing up!). Irritated and peeved, I got his name with half the intention to complain about him.. (which I decided not to cuz it was too much of a hassle).. and he added he would come back again to check on the truth of our words - and he insisted he didn't implied that we were lying.. - And out of irritation, I beckoned that tweet to SEE for himself once J was back.. Duh... (Imagine if I was the foreign delegate, won't I be super pissed off) Gosh.. maybe I should have talked to him in my PRC accented mandarin.
Oh well, weird characters everywhere...
still it was a great 5 days! :)
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