click me!!
Sunday, 26 November 2006
Now.. burdened by something bigger.. more than what I've imagined...
i need to overcome this little-impossibilities.. too.. the marsians charsiew paus!
change... Mars story part two
well... what do i want? have i decided? the form has been dog-earred.. time to hand in the form.. signed...
Oh.. I realised people still think that I'm doing FA.. Ya.. doing financial accounting...
Oh.. and i think my flaming red hairstyle caught pple's attention.. haha.. it was MUCH brighter but i told jeanie, my stylist for 4 to 5 years.. to tone it down a bitsy... (not b'cos of the grooming thingy on wed.. actually 90% of what was shared.. I know and i do apply at times when i'm not too drained.. but haha.. i do things beyond.. the basic... ahah.. hence.. i loook yoooounger than my age!! haha... )
Oh... bad throat... almost lost my voice after service... think i gave my 101% on stage cuz ya.. haha... CCC band leh... and haha.. no more CD to sign le.. (maybe i should take the other disc to sign... ahaha... )
oh... time is 120am.. in abt 6.5 hrs.. need to report for choir... well.. cuz just now went lao pa sat for fellowship (ya.. like back to WORK.. cuz my building is just next door!) hmmm departed that makan place at ard 1130-ish.. ya.. I'm the sole person taking the mass rapid transit service.. well.. not that I'm being that distant.. but its more efficient for me to take the transit service directly.. then to thicken my skin to hitch a ride half way and continue the rest of the journey.. Well.. I thought that the initiative should come from the Marsians to invite the Venus-ian to sit in his spacecraft? Some martians are true blue Marsians... well. Venus-ian doesn't want the wrong idea to be conveyed across, so without invitation, she is unlikely to hop onto the spacecraft.. the public space shutter service is rather speedy too.. just that late at nite, Venus-ian has to be X-tra careful.. cuz mal-functioning evil-intention Marsian might lurk ard.. THank God I live in a safe neighbourhood...
speaking of this breed of Marsians just remind of ... char siew paos.. MarsiansCharsiewPaos.
hmmm can i have charsiew paos for breakfast later? princess venus would try to win the marsians breed of Charsiew Paos over!! Crapping in a crappy manner...
cuz its not i don't want.. but i don't want to impose on others... and isn't this out Of heart? I'm not being 斤斤计较... I just don't want to overimpOse..
got MORE things ON my mind... PRAY.. AND FOR A SPEEDY RECOVERY for my Inflammed THROAT!
Friday, 24 November 2006
something to chew on....
God is not a man, so He does not lie.
He is not human, so He does not change his mind.
Has He ever spoken and failed to act?
Has He ever promised and not carried it through?
Numbers 23:19
with that... I'm off to yet another interview... :)
Thursday, 23 November 2006
hmmm why?
Yet I decided to give it a go..
Yet I wonder what will I do if the answer is good..
Somehow I feel I would be able to get it if i want.. cuz there's no vacanies posted online and i didn't specify the post that I want... still they called me up on Monday & yet again today... agreed for an interview on Fri... however, this evening, after the official hours, my boss came and told me what he's planned for me.. (casually, perhaps he could sense that I'm feeling bored and not fulfilled doing a temp's job... ) BUT is this what He wants me to do?
Well.. God is good.. Is this indicative that this not the end yet? cuz rejected one interview last week.. now there's another... should I take this up? I don't want to make a rush choice again.. fact that it's one of the big names in the industry made me think twice.. (come to think of it.. I'm very blessed.. always have the opptys at the big players.. By God's grace and favour!)
I need to relook the way i look at things... I'm appreciative of how alvin tried to encouage me thru' sharing his story (once again, i asked the question.. cuz i wasn't sure... Change.. get out of the warped mind.. am trying to unravell that...)
Stepped out of that.. So.. cleaned heart.. new mind... so yUp.. will head towards DBS tower this fri instead.. if God's gonna open that doorway for me.. I will take it.. :) [sorta wonder if i go for singtel's, will i get it? 50-50 chance.. ya.. don't want to shortchange myself.. so.. going for the interview WHICH they didn't even grant me when i applied while in 1st sem final year @ ntu...
well... to be updated...
the differnce behind the one word reply "NO" and the wordy sms that conveyed the same gist, yet differenth heart... well.. we shall see...
good news bad news... still must drink K? :)
Wednesday, 22 November 2006
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
hmm today nearly blanked out in the mrt on my way to work... hmmm lights seemed to have dimmed suddenly.. and yes.. accompanied by cold sweat.. and naseous.. hmm.. was praying that I will reach office without collasping halfway.. By His grace.. didn't passed out (the one and only time i almost blanked out was while crossing the road.. - cuz i think my blood sugar dipped low cuz was without food for at least half a day (and not during fasting... ) hmmm.. thank God for protection, else i won't know how I crossed the road while seeing stars in darkness for a few sec!--
Anyway... it was a good day.. (though i struggled to get up cuz felt so tired... ) and yay.. deloitte called me.. hmmm... :) am surprised cuz i just parked my resume @ their site for fun.. well... will see how...
meeting in the evening was good.. hmmm now i need to type the minutes.. let me rest 1st... will do it 1st thing i wake up (and connected to a mailbox...)
O.. yes.. CHange.. that's the word ringing in my ear since fri... (and the voice gets louder and louder from fri to SAT to SUN... )
It is insanity to expect a different result by doing things the same way...
Thursday, 16 November 2006
retail therapy
Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer's mood or disposition. (1) Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy are sometimes referred to as "comfort buys." -- source wikipedia
"Treatment 1" - Sunday Nov 12
Venue : stila counter @ metro paragon
perks: Stila freebies & limited edition goodies
mini- treat on wed nov 15
bought the "宫"soundtrack.. hmmm not a fanatic but like some of the songs.. :)
"Treatment 2" - Thursday Nov 16can't help but to "self-help" in this manner... went with the intention today to buy birthday pressie.. BUT apparent dosage from treatment 1 on sunday wasn't strong enuff (despite price is..) and hence... bodyshop galore! And i was pleasantly surprised that the saleslady @ the blackraisins' counter @ Isetan recognised me.. - and i really loved their clay-handmade earrings and accessories...
Venue : tampines mall : the bodyshop.perlini silver.blackraisins
pick-me-up: freebies from bodyshoP.. (didn't know i'll be entitled to the freebies.. and haha a bagful of them.. I love the perfum oil and the strawberry prdt package!!) .. 50% off the purchase at perlini cuz made use of my 50% birthday disc.
hmmm i gotta stop the treatments sooon.. else... can add shopaholic as my third name...
the "memorable" day..
yet.. that day was a memorable day AND i get to see the REAL side of some ... well, i guess my decision to leave the previous org might not be a move agreeable to some.. YET.. you don't have to show your disapproval in such a direct manner rite? One of them moved pass me, gave me a look - (that look CAN kill), {which was after "the second thought" song - which I can understand u guys find it awkward to sing/ celebrate cuz no gift for me - but have to sing cuz it was the actual day? - well, i guess it make not much of a difference to me already since it doesn't matter already... } but appreciate some of the hugs and sincere wishes from some..
Is it too much to expect in return a tiny fraction of what I have sowed? Or perhaps what was done was in vain?
Well.. i learnt my lesson.. and re-adjust my expectation...
eugene.. that's why i said.. "i feel so loved today" when u & summer said bye on tues.
yet.. still appreciative of some... of the sms-es sent by friends..
huiling.. the 1st to sms me... in the middle of the night...
chris.. the pretty one... who sms me..
chris.. my cell member who surprised me with the book from Pastor Ulf..
clarinda.. who lunched with me.. and made me felt like it's my "bird day"!
wanling, jieyin, summer.. gald to serve with u guys during pm.. thanks for ya sms..
ted, long, eugene,susan,xiaojuan, vicky,lian,darren, kinonn - thanks for the sms.
alvin, thanks for the encouraging sms-es.. and for having faith in me still..
my Jc pal shumin n tien n violet.. violet.. enjoy ur tpe trip.. tien.. thanks 4 making me feel not so lost at work...
my ex-colleagues.. my sisters: devi, kam,novis,yenting,vic... and a special phone call from angela - I was caught by surprise that she remembered... :) -- friendster help in a way to remind too...
my manager for less than 1 month.. thanks for ya card.. shocked to receive it though.. :)
Ah.. Friendster.. good invention.. yay.. am able to reach shu'en cuz of this.. she's one of my close palie in lower sec .. :0 yeah.. meeting her next week...
hmm not so bad afterall...
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
claypot rice...

yummy.. the claypot was worth the wait.. well.. after my stocking up of my Stila products @ the Metro sale(well.. stock up is the suitable description cuz.. haha.. ask cherie. she would know what I mean... well.. I know it's building fund period... but 20% off the price (plus the gorgeous stila goodies... ) hmm.. and it's princess mione's once a year pamper... (hmm.. frequency of impulsive shopping has greatly reduced... Ah... saw this bohemian looking bag @ bugis street while i accompanied chris (nope.. not my cg's chris.. but the pretty chris.. >.<) to change her purchase at this store selling lotSA bags... Hey.. the bag is big.. (ok.. Not that huge.. BUt. spacious enuff to replace my dying Espirt bag - ANd I'm tempted to BUY an exact SAME one before it went out of season...) and so girly... so me.. haha.. BUT.. hmmm.. Spent too much on sunday... tsk tsk..
Whoops... digress from the claypot rice.. (haha.. can't help it.. this my very addictive passtime.. that i'm trying to stop boosting the economy... ) Hmm.. waited for approximately 30 min .. but this taste better than the one at geylang.. I'm not a big fan of staple food.. BUT I like the 锅巴.. yummy... also not too oily... (and no big pieces 咸鱼 .. am not a fan either..)
hmm wonder how I would spend nov 14 this year... one thing is for sure.. prayer meeting at nite... and yes.. I can forsee my honeymoon days fast approaching an end.. avp told me that he wanted me to take the grp books.. (!!! man. it's not the subsi.. but the main grp... !!!) so... meanwhile i should enjoy the honeymoon period while it last... hmmm well.. sky seemed to be shining brigher.. Tsk.. the Friday rd 1 interview... just received the invitation from singtel.. hmm... gotta rsvp by wed.. one more day to ponder... hmm.. so i shall go and ponder... and PRAY...
Sunday, 12 November 2006
tired.. fatigue...
yet.. i feel like i'm doing the redundant for things that don't even matter to some.. it's not important.. that can wait.. I would wish to wait to..
what's is chicken rice without chicken? Do you order chicken rice and expect only rice and without the chicken when order have been placed for chicken and rice? Oh.. I guess in the span of placing order and delivering the order.. you have forgotten part of the dish... oh.. you are busy frying the vegetables..
forgotten to cook the chicken... ok.. I will wait then... Can i say no? well.. consequence of procrastinating when i asked you to chop the chicken first, but you say later rite?
hey.. can you at least give me some respect.. perhaps u view me as a small fry.. but i need the chicken with the rice ok?
venting my frustration in the form of a parable.. ! yes... great attitude.. great indeed...
Saturday, 11 November 2006
Friday, 10 November 2006
good intentions
i feel loved? eh... not really... frankly.. the most sincere wishes and handshake came from the two charles.. ok.. I'm tired.. (was at the bull run earlier, helping out.. aND i hope i won't appear on papers tmw cuz one of the manangement made us (my colleagues and i) take pic with ritchie ren... and man.. there are like at least 5 to 6 camera flashes... infront of us... )
got an interview from manager.. But don't think I will go for the interview..
I need to shower them more love, i think... have given so much away.. i hope Nov 14 (and yes.. that's my birthday!) will not be as pathetic as today...
1st day...
michelle and i were volunteered by boss to help out in the bull's run tmw.. (a very last minute rope-in.. i guessed he didn't want us to feel left out..) so.. went to cg tonite cuz not knowing what time it will end tmw..
Well.. will share testimony tmw if i have the chance.. anyway, cg was yet another encouraging session to me..
Frankly, am very encouraged by the friends that God has placed in my midst.. esp in this trying time.. and my dear r8ch.. thanks.. I recieved ur sms.. thanks dearie (and singnet internet svc!!) and my leaders alvin and steven...(I'll move towards the upward call of God.. ) .. my members kin onn and susan.. thanks 4 your concern.. (though unlikely you're reading this... )
hmmm cg just further confirmed and drive home to what Holy Spirit been speaking to me today.. that's all i gotta say...
I don't want to ever lose my 1st love.. not like the Ephesus first love, forever You will be..
Rev 2: 4-5
Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your
first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.
Thursday, 9 November 2006
a new day... a fresh start...
perhaps u will see less frequent postings... but that's what i can do for now... ;)
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
no more "I know"
no blame shifting.. it's my own neglience.. complacency... hate the lethargic mode.. result of the repetitive "I know..." with no further output..
hence.. face the consequence...
i press on...
everything in His time...
What have i done so far? Collected my second last stuff from iras (yep.. I accumulated A LOT of stuff in my five years there..)
wanted to go to the gym but I overslept.. considering maybe fri? Or before work tmw? hmmm...
heading out soon.. November is a month full of birthdays.. (mine included... )yippie!! hmmm yesterday received financial blessings from mom (cuz she strike 4d.. well. I'm against gambling.. but... I'm not against the money.. keke...) gotta source for birthday pressies.. (at least 3!)
hmm... oh yeah... gotta make the closure phone call. I don't think i can meet her on fri.. cuz working..
I ought not to feel critical.. BUT one thing I know why I didn't make it in the last month.. I'm not convicted... And I treasure genuine customer service than being serviced in a mass basis.. Small client still client rite? haha..
last nite my brother was complaining of how his friend (who is on her way to the MDRT this year) convinced him of terminating his life plan and got hers instead and to make him pay 3 mths premium upfront.. (not taking into consideration of fact that he has a medical condition and cancelling and taking a new policy would no doubt invite loading.. and higher premium..) well.. now I know how she got her mdrt.. And this is how pple became prejudiced against this industry..
I don't advocate this act and i know i won't do this.. .. I know the importance of educating of this... Yet.. I perfer to remain a customer at this pt in time.. cuz this is not the season... =)
new skin.. new music...
Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Interview Round 3 - Human Resource
well.. the HR personnel drilled more details than the avp i met last Friday.. well.. the interview lasted for half an hour... (the total time I spent with the other two vps..)... hmm still, left the interview room feeling that they would extend the offer to me.. Yup.. due to the lack of experience.. it will be contractual.. yet, it's an opportunity to learn.. at least biz/ corporate exposure..
went to cali after the interview (cuz meeting dar@ 12, interview ended ard 1035..)... missed "torturing" my muscles.. decided to make it regular.. afterall i've paid for the membership le.. haha. .. afterall now I'll be working at raffles place.. no excuse that it's out of the way... =) hmmm now.. motivated to go again tmw, cuz only got time for cardio today...
ha.. well.. went home after meeting dar for lunch @ amoy mkt... mom's at home.. and yes.. finally she vented her frustration at me for hanging ard at home.. (actually it's less than two weeks.. only..) and.. grumbled.. yup.. and just as I was to leave home.. I got a call.. Yippie.. They decided to offer me the job! Actually the avp has intention for me to start asap (i.e. tomorrow..) but HR decided to let me decide the start date.. so i told her.. Thurs.. hmm don't exactly know the contract terms yet.. but slight pay increment despite my less than adequate work experience..
According to Tien (who is also there, bt nope, not thru' her referral), I must have broken the records to finalise employment there... it's really short time frame.. I sent my resume on 28th Oct.. called up for interview on 31 Oct.. Ist & 2nd interview on 3rd Nov, 3rd interview on 7th Nov.. Starting work on 9th! Hmmm speedy yah? Really give thanks to God for favour with man... well.. really without Him, it will not be possible.. cuz I am new to FA (unless my one year stint as hon. treasurer counts.. ) If i'd accepted the peoplesearch thingy.. no doubt the pay is higher but.. it's only two months.. and conversion may not be certain but the pay will be fresh grad's .. sO.. yeah.. (=
on the other hand.. I can expect my learning curve to BE SHARP.. else they won't have the ugency to get me on board so soon.. well.. I can sure acheive it..
hmmm God is good.. now I can arise and build.. His house then my house..
today... and a year ago...

Was browsing thru' my pictures on my pc.. (I was searching for the pix that jieyin has been asking for a long time..) Found a pix that was taken exactly a year ago.. So.. thought why don't i take a picture and compare the difference.. [left portion taken in 2005, right portion taken today... ] Verdict.. ahha.. I look younger today right? =) [note.. not enhanced with by photoshop..] btw tried to cUrl my hair with the curler.. but didn't really last for long.. but kinda like the look (contrast to my belief, it didn't make me look older.. haha..) I must have watched too much dvd.. cuz I was feeding my grey matter with "宫".. and was inspired by the 太子妃's hairdo.. ya.. cUte..
hmm rachel dear.. I haven't nailed the job yet.. but it's almost closed.. watch this space for update.. =) speaking of which.. i need to zzz early cuz got the 3rd rd of interview tmw! His words will not return to Him void! Have been claiming by faith that I will be working there.. since shumin wedding dinner on Sat..
speaking of which.. the wedding dinner was like a reunion of s23 for me.. I realised I haven't seen them for 9 years! And.. it's great catching up *and everyone (except me) are either married OR rom-ed.. tsk tsk.. *soon soon, i wished.. * hmmm realised bonds built during JC years still strong.. haha. despite not seeing yinliang and david for close to a decade.. 但并不觉得生疏。。miss my hwa chong years.. hmm well.. at least I got in touch with them and yeah... reaching out time.. (all doing WELL in the different sectors of the marketplace..)
1st pressie
well.. timely gift CUZ I need another watch.. the face of my fossil charm bracelet watch is kinda scratched...
Sunday, 5 November 2006
time to sleep since I've satisfied my flesh.. :)
one of a kind..
precious... I've given my precious.. tears................. cuz blessed by the blessing.. cuz of my Creator..
And I have plans to take Hermione's Creation into reality.. I think I should book my name @ ACRA first.. =)
Saturday, 4 November 2006
2 rounds of interview within a day
well well.. what can i say.. Praise the Lord..
Yet.. princess is still princess with her unique array of thoughts.. she frown.. cuz.. the fruit is non-responsive...
princess... man does not live by FRUIT alone ... ("....but I'm princess that need a wee bit of encouragement... ")
pieces... picking up the pieces...
freshly out of the gift box...
In a flash.. it was shattered into pieces...
Such a masterpiece...
such a pity that it was mishandled and ended up on the floor
in a million pieces..
can the pieces joined themselves back?
No.. but they wanted to..
yet.. they can only rely on the Creator
to put them back.. piece by piece...
The bystanders just point.. and lament..
yet.. not lifting a finger...
is it the fault of the vase to fell to the ground.
or it is the fault of the person who let the vase fell to the ground?
yet.. does it remedy the situation by pursuing the matter?
OR rather.. piece the shattered parts and do pursue the cause to prevent recurrence..
question... What about the vase? How does it feel?
yes.. the shattered bits can be pieced back.. BUT the fact remained that it will be viewed as one with flaws SO visible.. It will never be what it used to be.. YEt.. in the eye of the Creator.. It will always remained His masterpiece.. In spite of the cracks.. He can cover it with another layer of glaze.. that will fill the gap and cover the flaws.. Others might see it as CRACKS.. yet.. to the vase.. the cracks signify the love of the Creator as He doesn't mind the inperfection and give up. Instead.. He gave the vase a new lease of life...
Friday, 3 November 2006
Back for 2 hours... 2nd rd at 1430
Now I know the benefits to be from recognised schools.. :) cUz.. IQ can really make up for the inxperience.. cuz.. thank God for placing me in these "stress abound.. academically recognised schools.." in my years of education... ya, I know my grey matter is working well.. BUT I will not be complacent or proud.. I lean on Him forever.. AND since I've decided.. I move on... I've the faith that this is the right decision.
The path of the righteous will shine ever brighter.. :)
Thursday, 2 November 2006
happy birthday... dear rachel...
I think there is some bad infection going on in my eyes.. I've ample sleep and yet.. the eyes still stingy. the haze has sorta gone but WHY are my eyes still stingy?
Am i like a mule?
will i end up not eating the good of the land?
Wednesday, 1 November 2006
woken from slumber..
well.. really blessed with supportive friends.. in not so good times... very appreciative of rachel.. ivory... thanks dearie for caring.. and yup.. eugene.. thanks ! Jia you for your exams (rachel) and assignments (eugene)..
feeling much better now.. after the 2 hours sleep and.. chatting.. pouring.. with my palie.. and some milo and crackers.. (didn't have dinner...)
As for the question/challenge that pastor posted during the helpers meeting... YA.. it's for the person who kept saying "i know.." it is no longer I know.. and I'm doing it..
tomorrow is yet another challenge.. I wonder which will call.. seriously.. I would want to go for the sgx on fri.. yet.. i wonder if the bank called me.. what my decision would be? -- and ya.. still waiting for the biggie 4 to call.. or rather (just 2)...
I just feel that my birthday present -- the biggest this year -- would come before nov 14.. :)